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SWAT Repository Store 

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Title Link (Author(s) & Date)
1) Site visits by the principal investigator to improve recruitment in a multicentre randomized trial. SWAT01 Valerie Smith and Mike Clarke (2012 July 22 1151)
2) Timing and mode of delivery of a self-completion questionnaire. SWAT02 Lisa Maguire and Mike Clarke (2014 January 21 1306)
3) Gender of the person signing an invitation letter for a prospective study. SWAT03 Lisa Maguire and Mike Clarke (2014 January 21 1510)
4) Description of the study / project in an invitation letter for a prospective study. SWAT04 Lisa Maguire and Mike Clarke (2014 January 21 1448)
5) Influence of explicit discussion of confidentiality in an invitation letter for a prospective study. SWAT05 Lisa Maguire and Mike Clarke (2014 January 21 1505)
6) Using a limited number of practitioners to recruit participants to a multicentre randomized trial. SWAT06 Patricia Healy (2014 August 21 1553)
7) Impact of questionnaire design on response rates and satisfaction of the participants. SWAT07 Susanne Grylka-Baeschlin (2014 May 28 1632)
8) Telephone screening versus face-to-face screening for the identification of participants in a multicentre trial. SWAT08 Susanne Grylka-Baeschlin (2014 May 28 1645)

Pre-randomisation matching of sites in a cluster randomised trial.

SWAT09 Mike Clarke and Lisa Maguire (2015 January 22 1704)
10) Skype videoconferences to improve site engagement in multi-centre randomised trials. SWAT10 Peter J. Kelly (2014 September 20 1731)
11) Monitoring consent forms by Skype videoconferences. SWAT11 Peter J. Kelly (2014 September 20 1746)
12) Projected accrual as part of effective site selection for a multi-centre randomised trial. SWAT12 Joanna Peel (2014 December 08 1043)
13) Financial incentives to complete follow-up questionnaires in a randomised trial. SWAT13 Jonathan Cook (2013 February 01 1237)
15) Video presentation of trial information to potential patient participants in a randomized trial. SWAT15 Declan Devane, Andrew Murphy, Valerie Smith and Mike Clarke (2013 Jan 01)
16)  Providing information on end-of-study compensation to improve participation in research. SWAT16 Lesley Anderson and Glen Titmarsh (2012 January 01 1511)

Sending a letter or telephoning potential participants as a method of follow-up to improve recruitment to research.

SWAT17 Lesley Anderson and Glen Titmarsh (2012 January 01 1547)

Gifts to improve participation in research.

SWAT18 Lesley Anderson and Glen Titmarsh (2012 January 01 1624)
19) Prompting participants to return baseline questionnaires to improve the provision of follow-up information in trials. SWAT19 Gillian W Shorter (2014 October 06 1640)

Optimum time and day to send invitation letter for trials.

SWAT20 Helen McAneney (2015 April 17 1537)
21) Provision of incentives to improve participant response to data collection in a randomised trial of a public health intervention. SWAT21 Frank Kee, Sarah Brennan, Mike Clarke, Chris Patterson (2015 JUL 01 1048)
22)  Promoting Recruitment using Information Management Efficiently (PRIME). SWAT22 R Al-Shahi Salman, A Maxwell, R Parker, M Dennis, C Weir, A Rudd(14 03 5)

Systematic Techniques for Assisting Recruitment to Trials (MRC START)

SWAT23 Jo Rick, Peter Bower, Adwoa Hughes-Morley, Peter Knapp (2012 JAN 11 1301)

Using a theoretically informed cover letter to improve response rates to annual postal questionnaires.

SWAT24 Anne Duncan, Craig Ramsay, Debbie Bonetti, Jan Clarkson (2013 OCT 1 0901)

Two-by-two factorial randomised trial to evaluate strategies to improve follow-up in a randomised prevention trial.

SWAT25 A Montgomery, H Williams, L Bradshaw, J Chalmers (2014 MAR 1 1134)

Improving trial recruitment with a leaflet advertising patient and public involvement.

SWAT26 Adwoa Hughes-Morley (2014 MAR 1 1606)
27)  Remote versus on-site initiation visits. SWAT27 L Jefferson, S Brealey, L Cook et al (2003 MAR 1 1407)

Pre-notification of trial participants by newsletter to improve response rates.

SWAT28 N Mitchell,C Hewitt,E Lenaghan,E Platt,L Shepstone,D Torgerson(20070201)

Effect of envelope colour on response rates

SWAT29 N Mitchell, C Hewitt, D Torgerson & SCOOP Trial Group (2008 JAN 1 1333)

Use of a leaflet containing information about healthcare research for recruitment to a randomised trial

SWAT30 C Arundel, D Torgerson, L Jefferson, and S Cockayne (2012 JUN 1 1459)

Electronic prompts to increase response rates to postal questionnaires

SWAT31 L Clark, S Ronaldson, L Dyson et al (2007 JAN 1 1442)

Effects of a re-designed Participant Information Sheet

SWAT32 S Cockayne, J Adamson, P Bower et al (2012 JAN 1 1149)

Effects of a newsletter and Post-it® note on postal questionnaire response rates

SWAT33 S Cockayne, J Adamson, B Corbacho et al (2012 AUG 15 1210)

Offering study results as an incentive to increase response rates to postal questionnaires

SWAT34 Sarah Cockayne and David J Torgerson (2007 JAN 1 1518)

Personalised text message versus standard text message prompts for increasing response to postal questionnaires

SWAT35 Adwoa Hughes-Morley and David Torgerson (2015 DEC 1 1201)
36)  Training in obtaining informed consent for clinical trials. SWAT36 Alina Constantin (2016 MAR 13 1417) 
37) Improving trial recruitment using pens as an incentive SWAT37 A Hughes-Morley and D Torgerson (2016 FEB 20 1421)
38) Cost implications of conducting a risk assessment prior to developing a monitoring plan for a multicentre clinical trial SWAT38 Caroline Hurley (2016 JAN 10 1404)

Use of local champions to contact and recruit potential participants

SWAT43 Mike Clarke, Vivien Coates (2016 JUL 8 1153)

Timing of text message prompts to increase trial participant response to postal questionnaires.

SWAT44 A Hughes-Morley, S Brealey, A Keding et al (2015 DEC 1 1420)

Participants' perspectives and preferences on clinical trial result dissemination

SWAT46 Professor Patricia Kearney (2016 FEB 10 1225)

Incentives and reminders to complete an online survey

SWAT47 Mike Clarke, Sara Schroter, Amy Price (2016 NOV 5 1228)

Effects of a £10 note on trial retention

SWAT48 Catherine Arundel, Emily Peckham, Simon Gilbody (2016 JUL 22 1403)

Effects of the use of different tone in reminder emails to non-respondents for an online survey

SWAT49 Amy Price,Sara Schroter, Mike Clarke (2016 DEC 1 1323)

Comparison of the small modified Rankin Scale questionnaire with face-to-face modified Rankin Scale

SWAT50 E Lundström,E Isaksson,Per Näsman,Per Wester,A Laska,ADahlin(17 MAR 1602)


Promoting group identity to improve questionnaire return rate

SWAT51 Ashley Agus (2019 MAR 28 1046)

Statistical methods for compensating for missing longitudinal data in a cluster randomised trial

SWAT52 Ricardo Segurado (2016 MAR 15 0937)

Including a photograph on the invitation letter for a prospective study

SWAT53 Rohan Anand and Natasha Green (2017 APR 15 1040)

Giving trial participants a thank you note or card after each study visit

SWAT54 Rohan Anand (2017 MAY 3 1415)

Prioritising key motivators and challenges influencing informal caregivers to participate in randomised trials

SWAT55 VSmith,STreweek,DDevane,MCorry,SGrylka-Baeschlin,AHunter,CComiskey,PHealy

Patient decision aid to reduce decisional conflict in patients considering entry into a prospective cohort study

SWAT56 PRIMETIME Trialists (2017 APR 1 1503)

Provision of information about a core outcome set and trial questionnaire completion

SWAT57 Karen Matvienko-Sikar (2017 JAN 19 1138)

Enhancing Recruitment Using Teleconference and Commitment Contract (ERUTECC)

SWAT58 E Lundström, E Isaksson, P Näsman, P Wester, A Laska (2017 APR 30 1105)

Offering financial incentives to potential trial participants to improve recruitment

SWAT59 Shaun Treweek et al (2017 JUN 5 1223)
60) Mentioning scarcity of trial places in text (SMS) reminders SWAT60 Shaun Treweek et al (2017 MAY 5 1333)

Telephone reminders to people who do not respond to a postal invitation to join a trial 

SWAT61 Shaun Treweek et al (2017 JUN 9 1420)

The influence of different healthcare professionals delivering an intervention in a medication optimisation trial 

SWAT62 Dr. Shane Cullinan (2016 JAN 1 1028)

Does local radio and social media advertisement increase recruitment?

SWAT63 Augusto Azuara-Blanco and Mike Clarke (2016 OCT 1 1529)

Identifying opinions on the features needed for making a study successful

SWAT64 E Lundström, E Isaksson, P Wester, A Laska, P Näsman (2017 MAY 23 1419)

Strategies to optimise retention to an online randomised controlled trial for relatives of people with severe mental illness

SWAT65 Professor Fiona Lobban (2015 APR 1 1731)

Site visits to initiate recruitment in a clinical trial: Does it matter who conducts the visit?

SWAT66 Nollett C, Kelson M, Hood K (2016 JUN 27 1603)

Effects of an enhanced trainee Principal Investigator package and digital nudging on monthly recruitment rates

SWAT67 Nickil Agni, Catriona McDaid, David Torgerson, Mike Reed (2017OCT1 1443)

Evaluation of offering an incentive before or after completion of a 2-year follow-up postal questionnaire on the response rate in parents of preterm babies.

SWAT69 E Juszczak, L Linsell, J Dorling, C Rounding, O Hewer (2015 NOV 30 1631)





Title Link (Author(s) & Date)

Multi criterion decision analysis (MCDA) to improve decision quality in an online Delphi study 

SWAT70 Amy Price, Mette Kjer Kaltoft and Jack Dowie (2018 JAN 1 1112) 

Effects of population compared to purposive sampling for consensus in an online Delphi study

SWAT71 Amy Price and Su May Liew (2018 MAR 5 1155) 

Effects of question section order on prioritization of items by stakeholder groups in an online Delphi study

SWAT72 Amy Price (2018 MAR 5 1240) 

Effects of feedback method on ranking in an online Delphi study

SWAT73 Amy Price (2018 FEB 5 1258) 

Effects of the use of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) on decision quality in an online Delphi (Delphi MDQ)

SWAT74 Amy Price, Mette Kjer Kaltoft, Jack Dowie, Mike Clarke 
75) Effects of different types of feedback presentation in an online Delphi study SWAT75 Amy Price and Mike Clarke (2017 JAN 1 1535) 

Sending pre-notification cards to trial participants before outcome measurement to improve retention.

SWAT76 Shaun Treweek, Annie Anderson, Stephanie Gallant (2018 MAR 7 1355) 

TYPhooN (Thank You and Pre Notification) SWAT Protocol: sending pre-notification emails to trial participants before outcome measurement

SWAT77 Susan Wagland (2018 APR 27 1258) 

Effect of a birthday card on retention and data completion rates in trials involving children

SWAT79 Dr M Backhouse, Prof D Torgerson, A Parker, S Cockayne (2018 AUG 1 1539) 
80) Post-it Note SWAT SWAT80 Cushla D Cooper (2018 JAN 1 1324) 

A Telephone Reminder to Enhance Adherence to Interventions in Randomised Trials

SWAT81 Abdelsalam BenSaaud, Wael Tawfick, Fionnuala Jordan (2018 MAY 1 1631) 

Sending Christmas cards to trial participants to improve retention.

SWAT82 Shaun Treweek, Katie Gillies, Karen Innes, Graeme MacLennan (2017 AUG 24) 
83) Postal vs telephone follow-up SWAT83 Mike Reed, John Randall (2018 JUN 1 1244) 
84) Same-day Consent vs Delayed Consent in a Randomised Trial SWAT84 Marah Elfghi, Fionnuala Jordan, Wael Tawfick (2018 SEP 1 1218)
86) Advance notification of trial participants before outcome data collection to improve retention SWAT86 C Sutton, S Cotterill, D Forshaw, S Rhodes, A Hammond (2018 AUG 31 1034)
87) Do participants complete the original or the reminder postal follow up questionnaire? SWAT87 Sally Hopewell, Lucy Cureton, Gemma Greenall (2017 MAR 10 1051)
88) Telephone versus SMS reminders to participants about
attending a screening assessment for randomised trials
SWAT88 Karen Bracken (2016 JUL 22 1115)
89) Including a theoretically informed leaflet in a participant take-home pack of questionnaires to increase response rate SWAT89 K Starr, D McRae, K Gillies, C Cooper, A Wolfe (2016 JAN 31 1514)
90) Does the time at which a participant incentive is given affect the retention rate? SWAT90 Johanna Cook (2016 JUN 1 1144)
91) Using theory-based enhancements to improve engagement with trial participant newsletters SWAT91 Karen Bracken (2018 OCT 16 1203)
92) Pen incentive to enhance retention in a randomised trial SWAT92 G Tew, H Tilbrook, S Paul, L Howe, A Parker, K Bell (2019 APR 1 1705)
93) Offer of a free yoga class to participants in the control group on completion of the trial follow-up, to enhance retention and reduce contamination SWAT93 Dr Garry Tew and Helen Tilbrook (2018 APR 1 1722)
94) Incentive (financial and pen) to enhance recruitment to a
randomised trial
SWAT94 G Tew, H Tilbrook, S Paul, L Howe, A Parker, K Bell (2018 APR 1 1731)
95) Concurrent validity of the PROMIS-29 in older adults with multimorbidity SWAT95 Garry Tew, Andrew Garratt and David Torgerson (2018 APR 1 1026)
96) Unconditional or conditional incentives for initial and follow-up postal questionnaires in a clinical trial SWAT96 L Bedford B Young D Kendrick K Vedhara S Gallant et al. (2013 JUN 1 1643)
97) TRECA (TRials Engagement in Children and Adolescents) SWAT97 Peter Knapp (2015 APR 1 1045)
98) Delivering site set-up training to groups of sites versus individually SWAT98 E Mitchell, A Montgomery, R Ogollah, C Partlett et al. (2018 MAY 1 1023)
99) Impact of recruitment plan on participant recruitment. SWAT99 Lucy Marsh, Bethan Pell, Mel Davies. (2018 JUL 17 1216)
100) Patient and family co-developed participant information to improve recruitment rates, retention, and patient understanding of a randomised trial SWAT100 L O'Neill, P Knapp, S Doyle, E Guinan, J Hussey et al (2018 MAY 1 1016)
101) Design of the patient information leaflet: dOes ParTicipant InforMatIon ShEet Design affect the recruitment rate into an interventional trial (OPTIMISED)? SWAT101 Rachelle Sherman, Graham Johnson, Andrew Tabner (2018 DEC 7 1511)
102) Addition of a pictorial aid to the patient information leaflet to improve recruitment in a randomised trial. SWAT102 A Montgomery,C Brittain,S Khan,M Lewis,W Tan,A Goyal,C Upton(2019 JUL 1)
104) Various on-paper strategies to improve participation in a postal survey SWAT104 Dawid Pieper, Barbara Prediger and Nadja Könsgen (2019 JUL 1 1631)
105) Effects of a patient-designed-and-informed participant information sheet versus a standard, researcher-designed information sheet on recruitment to a randomised trial SWAT105 Sinéad Hynes, Christopher Dwyer, Robert Joyce (2019 JUL 30 1603)
106) Effects of a video clip on recruitment into a randomised trial SWAT106 R Ryan,H Mattock,C O'Farrelly,D Babalis,P Ramchandani (2016 DEC 20 1050)
107) Effects of a multi-trial programmable animation platform on the efficiency and success of pre-screening and subsequent recruitment to a randomised trial SWAT107 Dr Frances Shiely (2019 MAR 8 1053)
109) The effectiveness of a text message reminder which participants can respond to, compared with a ‘no reply’ text message on questionnaire response rates SWAT109 A Parker, S Brealey, H Sharma et al (2017 SEP 1 1216)
110) Printing the primary outcomE on Pink PapER versus standard paper to increase participant engagement to postal questionnaires (PEPPER) SWAT110 Alexander Ooms, The PEP-TALK Trial Team (2019 JUN 20 1452)
111) Staff training to improve participant recruitment into surgical randomised trials  SWAT111 Dr A Parker, Dr N Mills, Dr L Rooshenas et al (2019 JAN 01 1506) 
112) Effects on recruitment of a personalised compared with a standard study invitation letter SWAT112 Dr Joanne Woodford and Prof Louise von Essen (2018 OCT 1 1231)
114) Effects of telephone calls or postcards to trial participants following enrolment on retention in a randomised trial  SWAT114 E Cook, M Backhouse, C McDaid, S Rex, A Parker (2019 JAN 1 2026) 
115) Comparisons of invitation methods used to recruit participants to a trial of a smoking reduction intervention SWAT115 NIHR HTA monitoring panel (2017 JUL 10 2046)
116) Impact on recruitment of adding an Infographic to a Patient Information Leaflet SWAT116 J McCaffery; C Arundel; I Chetter; C Fairhurst et al. (2019 APR 22 1529) 
118) Timing of text message and email communication to improve questionnaire return rates SWAT118 Trish Hepburn, Clare Brittain, Rebecca Haydock et al (2019 SEP 09 1627)
119) Effects on retention of giving trial participants a thank you card following each study visit. SWAT119 C Arundel, I Chetter, C Fairhurst, K Joshi et al. (2019 NOV 1 1607) 
120) The impact of audio-recording study discussions on recruitment rates: the audio study SWAT120 Jane Blazeby, Chris Rogers, Russell Thirard (2017 JAN 1 1559) 
121) What are the effects on retention and follow-up of courtesy telephone calls versus postcards to trial participants following enrolment? SWAT121 Mr Gurmit Dhanjal (2019 MAR 4 1731)
122) Perspectives of elderly trial participants with hypertension on modes of delivery of individual summary reports SWAT122 Angélica Trevisan De Nardi, Daniel Umpierre (2019 JUL 16 1616)
123) Seldom heard: Listening to patients and the public during intervention development. SWAT123 Emmy Racine, Sheena McHugh, Patricia M Kearney (2018 MAR 2 1432)
124) Exploring the impact of ineligibility on individuals expressing interest in a trial aimed at improving daily functioning regarding perceptions of self, research and likelihood of future participation: A PPI-infused qualitative SWAT SWAT124 Christopher Dwyer & Sinéad Hynes (2020 JAN 16 2109)
125) Comparison of trial-collected and routinely-collected death data SWAT125 M Sydes,S Love,M Murray,S Lensen,A Macnair,J Carpenter(2020 APR 21 2258)
126) Feasibility and diagnostic accuracy of Telephone Administration of an adapted patient-reported Wound HeaLth QuestiONnaire for assessing surgical site infection following abdominal surgery in low- and middle-income countries (TALON) SWAT126 J Glasbey, A Bhangu; NIHR Global Health Research Unit (2019 OCT 1 0949)
127) Qualitative exploration of occupational therapists’ perspectives on barriers and enablers to helping conduct research SWAT127 Dr Sinéad Hynes (2019 DEC 1 1239)
128) Timing of recruitment of pregnant women to participate in a trial SWAT128 Elaine Finucane, L Biesty, D Murphy, et al (2018 JUN 1 2215)
129) Effects of video guidance and a helpdesk on recruitment and retention in a Delphi survey for the development of a core outcome set SWAT129 Paula Williamson, Nicola Harman and Sarah Gorst (2020 MAY 4 2258)
130) SMS prompts to improve compliance with study procedures SWAT130 C Drew, P Morgan-Jones, L Mills, N Kirby et al (2020 APR 1 2047)
131) Modes of data collection for subjective outcomes at follow-up: comparing a choice and a failure-based approach SWAT131 Kerry Hood, Mike Robling, Nigel Kirby & Katie Gillies (2020 SEP 8 2122)
132) Patient Support Group for Research (PURPOSE) SWAT132 Matt Hammond (2019 SEP 1 2104)
133) Branded gift and letter from PPI group to enhance questionnaire response rate in a randomised trial SWAT133 E Morrissey, B Casey, R Power & D1 Now Young Adult Panel (2020AUG1 1617)
134) Impact of an enhanced education and training package on protocol adherence and staff confidence SWAT134 Paul Mouncey (2019 SEP 1 0003) 

Online follow-up and automatic adjustment of a physiotherapy device to optimise intervention delivery in a physiotherapy trial

SWAT135 Dr Maria Pufulete (2017 JUN 1 0019) 
136) Impact on Recruitment of Using an Invitation Letter Informed by Self-Determination Theory SWAT136 Rachel Carr (2020 NOV 5 1434)
137) A factorial embedded randomised controlled trial to test the impact on recruitment of a pen incentive and a brief participant information sheet (PROMETHEUS in MSS3) SWAT137 David White, Adwoa Parker, David Torgerson (2018 MAY 1 1901)
138) Improving participant retention using a pen as an incentive with the reminder for a postal follow-up questionnaire SWAT138 Sarah Cockayne, David Torgerson, Caroline Fairhurst (2020 NOV 24 1125)
139) A qualitative investigation of reasoning behind decisions to decline participation in a clinical trial SWAT139 Dr Sinéad Hynes (2018 FEB 1 2332)
140) A factorial, cluster randomised trial of an enhanced associate principal investigator (API) training package and an additional digital nudge delivered by a trial coordinator SWAT140 C McDaid,L Cook,S James,Z Ahkter,D Podmore,I Coleman (2019 JUN 1 1501)
141) Does patients' guided self-reflection on their illness increase engagement with and recruitment to clinical trials SWAT141 Frances Shiely (2020 JAN 10 1252)






Title Link (Author(s) & Date)
142)  Use of a video animation to improve participant understanding, engagement and compliance with an intervention in a cluster randomised trial of stroke survivors  SWAT142 Anne Forster, A Farrin, J Hall, et al (2020 JUL 17 1529) 
143)  Providing monetary incentives to participants to improve completion rates of questionnaires by referred co-respondents.  SWAT143 Professor Samantha Cartright-Hatton (2020 MAR 1 1018) 
144) Social Incentive Retention Cover Letter to Improve Questionnaire Response Rates SWAT144 C McDaid, L Cook, S James, Z Ahkter, D Podmore (2019 NOV 14 1548)
145)  The Sticker Swat: Does a trial logo sticker placed on the outside of the envelope encourage the return of postal questionnaires  SWAT145 Anne Duncan, Karen Innes, Beatriz Goulao, Craig Ramsay (2019 MAY 1 1615) 
146)  Adding 'Withdrawal Slips' within follow up reminders for questionnaires  SWAT146 ROMIO Study PPI Group (2019 AUG 29 1000) 
147) Effects on retention of different weight assessment approaches during trials of Behavioural Weight Management Interventions (BWMI) SWAT147 C Torrens, P Hoddinott et al & The Game of Stones Team (2020 APR 1 1404)
148) Optimising data capture of prescribed medication in pregnancy  SWAT148 Lucy Chappell (2019 MAY 24 0006) 
149) Characteristics of participants who choose to complete electronic or paper patient reported outcome measures (PROs)  SWAT149 D Davis, Z Connan, J Beckhelling, A Fakis et al (2020 MAY 12 2350) 
150) Anaesthesia Choice for Creation of Arteriovenous Fistulae (ACCESS Study): A Qualitative Study within a Trial (SWAT) SWAT150 Dr Emma Aitken (2020 JUN 23 1017)
151)  Impact of a waitlist comparator design on recruitment, retention and outcomes in open-label parallel-group randomised trials SWAT151 David Gillespie, Biza Stenfert-Kroese et al (2020 MAY 18 1202) 

A qualitative investigation of patient recruitment to a perioperative feasibility randomised trial

SWAT152 Duncan Wagstaff and Ramani Moonesinghe (2020 MAY 12 1218)
154) Follow-up within global surgEry triAls: a qualiTative investigation to improvE trial Retention (FEATHER) SWAT154 James Glasbey, Aneel Bhangu et al (2019 APR 1 1538)
155)  Evidence-based enhanced participant information sheet (PIS) for recruiting caregivers to a multicentre randomised trial. SWAT155 Valerie Smith and Rod Taylor (2020 DEC 3 1914) 
156) Impact of an animated video translated into four commonly spoken languages on recruitment into the TICH-3 trial  SWAT156 Nikola Sprigg, Caroline Rick, Andrew Willis (2019 JUL 30 0745) 
157) Timing and value of participant vouchers to improve questionnaire return rates in the STADIA (STAndardised DIagnostic Assessment for children and adolescents with emotional difficulties) Trial.  SWAT157 Kapil Sayal, Florence Day, Kirsty Sprange et al (2020 AUG 19 2334) 
158) Validation of clinical events in the DaRe2THINK data-enabled clinical trial SWAT158 Xiaoxia Wang (2019 MAY 10 1940)
159)  Feasibility and effectiveness of a decision aid for family members considering trial participation on behalf of an adult who lacks capacity to consent  SWAT159 Victoria Shepherd,Kerry Hood,Fiona Wood,Katie Gillies (2020 AUG 9 2130) 
160) An enhanced participant information leaflet and multimedia intervention to improve the quality of informed consent in a randomised clinical trial enrolling people living with HIV and obesity SWAT160 Lydia O’Sullivan, Prof Peter Doran (2020 AUG 3 0756)
161) ‘Principled’ versus usual approach for sharing information about potential benefits and harms of trial interventions in patient information leaflets SWAT161 Jeremy Howick, Kerry Hood (2017 JAN 1 2151)
162) Testing Online Recruitment Methods Via Social Media SWAT162 Dr Frances Shiely, Mr Eoghan Cooke, Dr Mohamad M. Saab (2020 JUN 1 2208)
163) Using an animated video to optimise participant engagement with a complex intervention within a randomised trial SWAT163 S Ahmed, A Clegg, B Cundill, A Heaven, N Kime et al (2019 OCT 01 0041)
164) Effects of increasing incentives on participant response to data collection at 6 months follow up SWAT164 Felix Naughton, Juliet High, Aimie Hope (2021 APR 14 2230)
165) Rapid qualitative study of patient consent in co-recruiting studies  SWAT165 Dr Cecilia Vindrola, Dr Joyce Yeung, Dr Sham Jhanji (2007 JAN 1 0022) 
166)  Effects on trial recruitment and retention of including a picture book with the participant information sheet  SWAT166 Andrew Kirby, Imogen Fancourt, Lynda Waterhouse (2020 DEC 1 0057) 
167) Risk-based trial monitoring: Site performance metrics across time SWAT167 Victoria Yorke-Edwards, Matthew Sydes, Sharon Love (2020 OCT 29 2313)
168)  Effects of enhanced monitoring and training of trial sites on the application of a treatment protocol in an international randomised trial  SWAT168 Professor Philip M Bath (2020 DEC 14 2202) 
169) Electronic versus paper based Patient Reported oUtcomes CollEction (SPRUCE) SWAT169 L Philipps, R Lewis, M Stiles, J Haviland et al (2020 OCT 8 1443)
170) Assessment of clinical utility of the Navio web-based app in protocol adherence and PRO completion in the HoT trial SWAT170 Prof Dae Kim, Prof Allan Hackshaw, Laura White (2020 JUL 26 1522)
171) Use of an additional video link of an informed consent conversation to improve recruitment into perioperative cancer trials SWAT171 Raha West, Jamie Murphy, Chen Pac-Soo, Daqing Ma (2022 JAN 4 1426)
172) Qualitative study within a randomised trial to explore the uncertainties surrounding perioperative cancer trial methodology SWAT172 Raha West, Jamie Murphy, Chen Pac-Soo, Daqing Ma (2022 JAN 4 1409)
173) Does a practice-level educational intervention improve the timely assessment of adults with shingles? SWAT173 Matthew Ridd. (2019 DEC 2 1616)
174) Comparing health technologies for participant adherence and trial outcome data collection SWAT174 D Ackermann,M Janda,R Turner,L Irwig,K Bracken,K Bell (2020 MAR 4 1539)
176)  Co-designing and pilot testing an infographic to support patients and families through the REMAP-CAP consent process SWAT176 Zahra Bhimani, Sandra Dalziel, Barbara Dolanjski et al(2022 APR 19 1742)
177) Effects on recruitment rates of regular scheduled calls between the coordinating team and sites SWAT177 Matthew Northgraves, Judith Cohen, Chao Huang (2021 OCT 26 1136)
178) Effects of SMS pre-notification and reminders on electronic questionnaire return using a sequential multiple assignment randomised trial (SMART) design SWAT178 Samuel Smith (2021 MAR 1 1543)
179) Impact of pre-notifications on retention in 17-year follow-up of very preterm born adolescents (PIPARI-SWAT) SWAT179 Sirkku Setänen (2019 MAY 14 2331)
180) The effectiveness and cost effectiveness of financial incentives for increasing participant retention rates in randomised trials  SWAT180 Adwoa Parker, Catherine Arundel, L Clark, K Gillies (2020 JAN 1 1831)
181) What is the impact on participant retention when an electronic reminder is integrated into the design of a randomised trial?  SWAT181 C Sutton, P Bower, S Cotterill, S Rhodes et al (2021 JUN 1 1640))
182) Impact of a return postage strategy on retention in randomised trials SWAT182 Frances Shiely, Katie Gillies (2021 JUN 1 2306)
183) Effect of skin tone on the diagnostic accuracy of pulse oximeters for measuring blood oxygen in patients in a randomised trial SWAT183 Intensive Care National Audit & Research Ctr, Cl Trials(2022 JAN 1 2014)
184) Identifying barriers and facilitators to research in long term care facilities SWAT184 Nicole Muller, Iracema Leroi, JP Connelly (2021 JAN 1 2259)
186) Impact of data collection frequency on participant retention in the HEAL-COVID platform clinical trial SWAT186 Charlotte Summers, Mark Toshner and Carrol Gamble (2020 NOV 1 2216)
187) Impact on recruitment of adding a pictorial aid to a patient information sheet SWAT187 Alison Booth and Catriona McDaid (2020 JUL 4 1103)
188) Stakeholder perceptions of recruitment to SafeBoosC III trial  SWAT188 Dr Pauline Meskell (2020 JUN 1 2323)
189) How does offering a choice of data collection mode affect recruitment and data collection in a feasibility study of a cancer symptom awareness intervention (TIC-TOC Study)? SWAT189 G Moody, P Smith, K Brain, G McCutchan, R Canning-John (2022 MAY 1 2324)
190) Identifying motivators of participation and key expectations of participants in randomised trials  SWAT190 D Ackermann, D Drabarek, J Hersch, K Bracken, et al (2022 MAR 4 2214)
191) Effects of the timing of telephone contact with potential participants on the return of 12-week questionnaires.  SWAT191 Dr Caroline Rick (2020 MAR 9 2238)
193) Text message invitation to recruit people with COPD to a pragmatic trial SWAT193 Marie Fisk (2022 SEP 1 0904)
194) The neoGASTRIC SWAT: to evaluate the effectiveness of presenting parents with different modes of trial information SWAT194 National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (NPEU), Oxford (2022 JAN 1 1748)
195) Pre-notification of trial participants by newsletter to improve response rates to questionnaires SWAT195 Prof Joseph Dias and Prof Ian Trail (2023 JAN 9 2030)
196) Implementation and maintenance of blinding of participants in the RAPSODI-UK surgical trial  SWAT196 Fiona Rose (2022 JUL 22 1801)
197) Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of providing a pen at recruitment on participant retention in randomised trials SWAT197 C Mooney, C Silviera, L O’Neill, C Sutton et al (2023 JAN 9 0924)
198) Impact of newsletters on participant retention in randomised  trials SWAT198 E Lidington, L O'Neill, C Sutton, J Grierson, C Arundel(2023 JAN 9 2308)
199) Impact of monetary rewards added to both trial arms on participant retention in a randomised trial SWAT199 Trial Forge Manchester Network Members (2022 OCT 19 0014)



SWAT ID Title Link (Author(s) & Date)
200) Development of an interactive application tool for trial recruitment planning and monitoring SWAT200 Nandi Siegfried (2016 JAN 1 2301)
201) Evaluation of cultural competency in a South African cluster randomised trial SWAT201 Nandi Siegfried (2019 JAN 1 2309)
203) The effect of patient testimony videos on recruitment to a clinical trial SWAT203 Dr Pamela Jacobsen (2021 NOV 18 2311)
204) Comparison of bottle weighing versus electronic monitoring to assess adherence to eye drops in a randomised trial. SWAT204 Augusto Azuara-Blanco (2018 JAN 4 2317)
205) Impact of an animated video translated into four commonly spoken languages and enhanced pictorial information on recruitment into the RELIEF trial SWAT205 Professor T Harrison, C Rick, D Saralaya et al (2020 APR 7 2344)
206) Could dental hygienists or dental therapists, instead of a dentist, acting as a principal investigator (PI) lead to more efficient delivery of a clinical trial at the site level?  SWAT206 R Holiday, R Holmes, P Blaylock, E McColl, C Butcher (2020 JAN 1 2247)
207) Effects of an information video presented to participants on  retention in a randomised trial. SWAT207 E Morrissey,G Molloy,A Murphy,P Murphy,L OGrady,S Duane(2022 SEP 1 0024)
208) Comparative Effectiveness of a Self-Directed Online versus a Phone Call Enrolment Process SWAT208 Matthew McDonald, Joanna Moulin and Eleanor Quested (2023 JAN 9 1707)
209) Views and experiences of participants and healthcare professionals to recruitment, randomisation and other features of the IIH Intervention Trial SWAT209 IIH Intervention Trial Management Group (2022 SEP 15 2326)
210) Comparison of hospital electronic records and data on patient reported health care use SWAT210 Professor Brenda O'Neill (Chief Investigator) (2021 JAN 14 2346)
211) Effects of a self-directed orientation session on retention in a digital weight loss study SWAT211 Michele L. Patel (2023 JAN 6 2308)
212) Cluster randomised SWAT to investigate whether a video link in the participant information sheet (PIS) increases recruitment and retention, compared to a PIS without this link SWAT212 Prof Abhishek Abhishek (2021 AUG 1 1859)
213) Effects of providing information about enhancement treatment as usual on recruitment and retention to trials with autistic adults with depression  SWAT213 Ailsa Russell, Peter Langdon and Victoria Woodworth. (2022 MAY 1 0817)
214) Effect on recruitment of an Enhanced Associate Principal Investigator Training Package and Additional Digital Nudge delivered by a Trial Coordinator SWAT214 J Adamson, L Cook, M Watson, E Moatt K Baird F Wiggins (2022 APR 8 2244)
215) Effects of remote, web- based data collection on completion of patient-reported outcomes. SWAT215 Dr Jack Sargeant and Dr Tommy Slater (2020 JUN 25 2212)
216) Motivation targeted compared to standard text message interventions for data collection and adherence.  SWAT216 D Ackermann, M Janda, K Bracken, R Turner et al (2022 JAN 11 1941)
217) Enhancing recruitment to the CHOICE trial in irregular dental-attending children via a dental nurse-led school outreach activity SWAT217 Professor Pauline Adair; Dr Marc Edwards (2020 SEP 1 1211).pdf
218) Effect of providing parents with information on the use of routine data in clinical research on recruitment and retention of infants to a randomised trial SWAT218 Christopher Gale (2023 JUN 13 2330)
219) Video information given at the point of discharge to improve participant follow-up rates SWAT219 PLACEMENT Trial Team (2022 SEP 1 2311)
220) Impact of an inclusive recruitment animation (developed with PPI input) on recruitment of UK ethnic minority participants in a trial for young people at risk of bipolar disorder SWAT220 S Parker, C Sutton, P Carmichael-Murphy et al (2022 JUN 16 2222)
221) What is the effect of time critical wording of text message reminders on completion of electronic participant case report forms (CRFs)?  SWAT221 Dr S Brealey, Mrs S Swan, Mrs K Baird et al (2023 FEB 03 2219)
222) Evaluating the effect of incentives on recruitment of people with low back pain with limited English proficiency as part of the COMFORT cluster randomized trial SWAT222 Christina Abdel Shaheed (2023 NOV 14 1147)
223) Impact of additional trial site training on managing participation changes and of participant information after stopping  participation on the availability of primary outcome data SWAT223 William Cragg & Rebecca Walwyn (2020 MAY 20 1128)
224) Alternating text message and phone call reminders versus text message reminders alone for increasing response to follow-up questionnaires SWAT224 Emma Laing (2023 OCT 1 2020)
225) Impact of recruitment of using an infographic in addition to the participant information sheet SWAT225 A Agus, K Woolfall, M Clarke, T Waterfield (2022 SEP 1 2328)
226) Interventions to optimize response rates for online, patient- reported outcome measures SWAT226 Dr Paul Karanicolas (2023 JUN 8 2226)
227) Adaptive messaging to optimise adherence to remote delivery of a mHealth intervention in randomised trials  SWAT227 S Holden, P Doran, B Wong, K McDonald (2023 APR 21 0953)
228) Feasibility and usability of the TMRN-TMRP communication wheel for trials: A non-randomised SWAT process evaluation using RE-AIM SWAT 228 F Shiely, C Lonergan, A Sharry, A Nichol et al (2023 MAR 01 2104)
229) Impact on recruitment of a brief compared with a standard participant information leaflet SWAT229 Jonathan Syred Christine Norton Rona Moss-Morris et al(2019 APR 04 2118)
230) A mixed methods study exploring patients’ decision making process in declining participation to a rehabilitation and nutrition based clinical trial SWAT230 Salma Kadiri, Matar Alzahrani (2022 JUN 24 2231)
231) Implementation of an AI Avatar digital communications technology in secondary care sites to facilitate recruitment of participants from ethnic minority groups in the TADPOLE Trial. SWAT231 K Roberts, S Paramasivan, S Dawson, S Rees (2024 JUL 01 1331)
232) Use of telephone follow-up with text or WhatsApp message summary versus telephone follow-up alone to trial participants to improve trial retention. SWAT232 Prof A Hickey, Dr. C Bruen, Dr. C Moran (2020 JUL 06 1344)
233) Behavioural nudges to increase responses from residents in England to a postal invitation from NHS England to take part in the Antiplatelet Secondary Prevention International Randomised study after INtracerebral haemorrhaGe (ASPIRING) SWAT233 R Al-Shahi Salman, A Hosking, S Jundi, M Sydes. (2021 AUG 24 1353)

