Training Event
“Development of a unique means of detecting and
proving illegal administration of rbST in dairy cows”
Project number 230667; FP7-PEOPLE-IAPP-2008
Nantes, France
23-24 April 2013
Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l’Alimentation
Nantes Atlantique (Oniris)
LABoratoire d’Etude des Résidus et Contaminants dans les Aliments (LABERCA)
This workshop is organised jointly by the School of Advanced Residue Analysis in Food (SARAF) and the EU-funded UNIQUE-CHECK Marie Curie IAPP Project (coordinated by the University of Belfast (UK)).
It will take place at the LABERCA, French National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for Growth Promoters and Contaminants Analysis in food, which enjoys excellent facilities for training and extensive experience of the organisation of SARAF training courses.
The objectives of the workshop are:
- To train the participants to the main immunoassays and physico-chemical methods developed within the project to detect recombinant bovine growth hormone abuse in dairy cows.
- To disseminate the main results originated from the UNIQUE-CHECK project with regard to the different Work Packages.
- To promote discussions and exchange opinions between the audience and the lecturers.
The expected learning outcome is for the participants to meet various internationally recognised experts in the field, and to have an overview of the more recent progress regarding analytical strategies for efficient detection of rbST treated animals. The workshop also aims at creating/maintaining a network for further technical and scientific cooperation in this area.
The course is intended for scientists but also PhD students or post docs both within and outside the UNIQUE-CHECK project network.
Participation to the workshop is free of expenses. Travel and Hotel accommodation expenses have to be covered separately by each participant.
Dr. Gaud Dervilly-Pinel (Scientific Officer dep. of LABERCA, Oniris) and Dr. Chen Situ (UNIQUE CHECK coordinator, University of Belfast).
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