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Acts of Union: Mixed Marriage in Modern Ireland

News and Events

Future events:

Updates on events coming soon!

For more information on any of our upcoming events contact Ruth at r.duffy[at] 


Past Events:

Here’s what we’ve been up to over the past while:

15th-17th May 2024: Alison and Ruth hosted a symposium at QUB entitled, Love & War: 1914-2024. This interdisciplinary event was organised with the support of the School of Arts, English and Languages, the Mitchell Institute, the Institute of Irish Studies and the Ulster Museum. Videos from this event can be viewed on the Mitchell Institute's YouTube page here

The Acts of Union team went on a  tour of the USA in Spring 2024! Thanks to the North American Mobility Fund, we visited several universities in the United States including Boston College and the University of Notre Dame giving talks about our project.

19th February 2024: Alison and Ruth gave a talk 'Acts of Union: Mixed Marriage in Modern Ireland' for the Offaly Historical Society.

23rd February 2024: Alison and Ruth gave a talk 'Acts of Union: Mixed Marriage in Modern Ireland' for the South Kilkenny Historical Society.

10th-13th November 2022: Alison and Ruth spoke at the North American Conference on British Studies in Chicago. Read more here.

11th-12th July 2022: Alison and Ruth spoke at ‘Ireland and Sexualities in History Conference’ at the University of Edinburgh. Read more here.

8th-9th July 2022: Ruth gave a talk entitled, 'Mixed marriage in twentieth century Ireland: a form of rebellion?' at the Oral History Society conference, London. Learn more here.

8th-9th July 2022: Alison gave a talk entitled, ‘Acts of Union: Irish Studies and “love across the divide”’ at the English Shared Futures Conference, Manchester. Learn more here.

21st March 2022: Ruth spoke about her PhD research on the Northern Ireland Conflict and the health service at the Institute of Irish Studies seminar series, Queen’s University Belfast. Read more here.

16th March 2022: English Research Seminar, Queen’s University Belfast. 

1st December 2020: Alison gave a talk entitled, ‘“emphatically anti-political”: Troubled love and the North’ at the Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies, University of Aberdeen.

30th November 2020: Alison gave a talk entitled, ‘Acts of Union? Writing love across the divide’ at the Institute of Irish Studies, Queen’s University Belfast.


Acts of Union: Mixed Marriage in Modern Ireland
Acts of Union: Mixed Marriage in Modern Ireland