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  • What is the difference between a Project and a Task?

    A Project refers to a full end to end genomics workflow, i.e. sample and/or NGS library quality assessment, library preparation (optional), sample pooling, sequencing and data generation/analysis. Projects must have a quote generated and signed to be progressed and added to our work schedule.


    A Task refers to a single stand-alone service, such as sample QC or nuclei acid extraction. These do not require a quote prior to sample drop off, and are charged per sample at the rate listed on the online request form.

  • What Services do you offer?

    The GCTU offers a full suite of genomics services, including bulk RNA sequencing, metagenomics and single cell/spatial workflows. Please refer to our ‘Services’ page for full details. If you do not see the service you are looking for, please reach out to as we are happy to take on custom work, including alternative library preparation kits as required.

  • How long will my Task/Project take?

    Out turnaround times vary throughout the year depending on staff availability and work load.

    A typical project takes between 4-8 weeks from sample receipt, depending on complexity and number of samples.

    A typical task takes 1-2 working days from sample receipt.

    If you have pending deadlines and need your results sooner, please reach out to to discuss this as early as possible and we can work with you to achieve this.

  • When can I drop off my samples?

    With the exception of single cell and spatial studies which require a pre-arranged drop off day and time, samples may only be dropped off between 9-10am or 2-3pm Monday-Friday. You must be in possession of your Task or Project number, and have submitted a sample sheet before you can drop samples down to the unit.

    If you have exceptional circumstances where you are unable to drop off during this time, please reach out to and we will try to accommodate your request.

  • How do I request a quote?

    To request a quote, please complete our online project request form which you can access here

    If you are unsure of your specific requirements, please complete the form to the best of your ability and write a brief overview of the request in the 'Project Overview' box on the last page of the form. Here you can also request to meet with a member of the GCTU to discuss your project.

    Once request has been received, we will generate a quote for the work and return to you for review. If you wish to proceed with the work, you must sign and return the quote to the Genomics inbox. Once signed quote is received, we will assign your project a project code and you are then able to drop the samples down at our specific drop off times.

    Note: at busy times it may take up to 5 working days for us to generate a quote. If you need this quote urgently please note this on the request form and additionally email to flag when you require the quote by.

  • Where can I find the GCTU?

    We are located in the basement level of the Patrick G. Johnston Centre for Cancer Research (PGJCCR), 97 Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT9 7AE.

    For our Sample Reception, please follow the signs around to our sample reception window in the basement. Here you will find a bell which you should ring on arrival to alert a member of the GCTU team who will come and receipt your samples.

  • What volume/concentration do you need for your different Services?

    Please refer to table below for guidance on type, quantity, and concentration of sample to submit for different project types.

    NOTE The minimum volume/concentration is based on the lowest input advertised for that specific kit. There is no guarantee that samples prepped at this concentration will successfully produce libraries.

    All samples should be of good quality with a 260:230 ratio of ~ 2.0-2 and 260:280 ratio of ~ 1.8-2.0 

    Customers will be notified if sample quality following QC is suboptimal prior to proceeding with library preparation. 

  • Do you provide training in NGS?

    At this time we do not offer training in NGS methods. We are happy to provide a tour of the unit, overview of the methods and techniques and, if feasible, you may be able to shadow some work being carried out. However, we are unable to provide training.

  • I am writing a grant which will include NGS and analysis, can you help me with my application?

    Yes, we are more than happy to provide guidance, letters of support and discuss experimental design and NGS methods for your grant applications. Please reach out to or to discuss.

  • How should I package my samples for delivery?

    Samples should be delivered in sterile DNAse/RNAse free plasticware, clearly labelled and matching information provided on the accompanying sample sheet.

    Sample plates/boxes used for delivery should be labelled with the pre-assigned project or task number.

    If you have <24 samples, they may be delivered in tube format. All task/project with >24 samples must be delivered in a 96-well plate. Failure to do so may result in additional technician time being added to the project/task cost.

    All samples should be double contained and delivered on ice to maintain integrity.