Avril Johnstone
MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow
Contribution to cross-cutting theme on health inequalities

I am a Research Associate at the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow. I am a member of the Places and Health programme, which is an innovative, multidisciplinary team researching how places do, and could, improve health and reduce inequalities. My primary research interests include the role of nature, physical activity, and active play on children's health and wellbeing.
Prior to joining the University of Glasgow, I received my PhD in Physical Activity for Health in 2019 from the University of Strathclyde. My PhD aimed to determine the effects of active play interventions on physical activity and fundamental movement skills in children. In addition to working in research, I have also worked as a practitioner, delivering and managing coaching and play sessions and, more recently, as a Learning and Training Manager at Actify.
In GroundsWell I am working with the cross-cutting theme on Health Inequalities. My main objectives are to develop a Theoretical Model on low and non-use of urban green and blue space, and to support WP’s to integrate a health inequalities lens into their research.