ECR training at University of York
In September 2024, GroundsWell team member Christopher Tate travelled to the University of York to learn about advanced statistical methods employed in economic evaluations of healthcare interventions and observational data.
This 3-day course, co-ordinated by Professor Andrea Manca, comprised of a series of lectures and practical sessions designed to explore different decision-making models, approaches to cost-benefit analysis, and analysis of quality-of-life data. As an applied economist, experiences like these are incredibly valuable for Christopher, by not only giving researchers like him the opportunity to learn from experts in this field, but also by expanding their understanding of the practical elements involved in using advanced statistical models.
As a testament to the University of York’s reach and reputation in this field, there was a diverse group of attendees with backgrounds in public health, medicine, academia, pharmaceuticals, economics, and public policy. Christopher enjoyed the opportunity to connect with attendees from across Europe from places such as Austria, Norway, Germany, and Ireland.
Learn more about the course on the University of York website.