Liverpool Hub Meeting
The first Liverpool Hub meeting was held on Monday 17th October at The Brain Charity and had a lot of vibrant discussion between stakeholders, public advisors and members of our team

We started with an overview from our co-director Prof Sarah Rodgers of what it means to be a community and data led consortium and how we’re going to use that approach to transform urban blue and green spaces (UGBS). This was then followed by presentations from two of our project partners; The engagement team from LCRCA Green Bus network lead by Sara Kearney and the Head of Regeneration Delivery for Dock Branch Park, Cathy Palmer. These presentations led to some engaging dialogue with our public advisors about how each project could fit with GroundsWell and how to work effectively. We then went on to hear about what techniques our community and citizen science team were currently using and how we can identify and collect UGBS and health data from our data team. We capitalised on these presentations by inviting everyone to suggest what data we should be capturing and why, which highlighted some very important points about how different communities value quality in green and blue spaces that we will be taking forward.
After lunch Dr Alex Nurse discussed how we intend to harness political drivers and use the evidence we will be collecting to enact policy change. Finally we heard all about the importance of maximising and tracking impact from our science communications and impact officer Elly King, who highlighted the importance of how GroundsWell is connecting systems (e.g. healthcare, planning, community organisations, councils) together through co-production, data sharing and community engagement. This was then rounded off with a group discussion of what everyone’s dream impact for GroundsWell would be, leading us to discuss the different perceptions of GroundsWell and common goals within those perceptions.
Overall it was a great day with a lot of engaging conversation amongst different stakeholders which has allowed us to continue co-producing ideas to move GroundsWell forward.