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Administrative Data Research Centre Northern Ireland (ADRC NI):  

ADRC NI is a partnership between Ulster University and Queen's University Belfast. The centre makes it possible for researchers to access information collected by national and local government and other public sector organisations (typically in the delivery of services). ADRC NI is part of the wider ADR UK network.  

Administrative Data Research United Kingdom (ADR UK): 

ADR UK a partnership between universities, government departments and agencies, national statistics authorities, funders and the wider research community. The group makes it possible for researchers to access information collected by national and local government and other public sector organisations. ADR UK is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.  


People who publicly recommend or support an idea, project, community or organisation. 

Belfast City Council’s City Innovation Office: 

An office within Belfast City Council that aims to make Belfast a centre for innovation. It is a partnership between seven organisations in the city: Belfast City Council, Belfast Harbour, Belfast Metropolitan College, Catalyst, Queen’s University Belfast, Ulster University and Invest NI.  

Big Motive: 

An award-winning service design consultancy that helped to design the Northern Ireland Public Data Panel pilot. 


Act of granting authority to a person or organisation to conduct a project 

Deliberative workshops: 

A form of facilitated group discussions that provide participants with the opportunity to consider an issue in depth, challenge each other's opinions and develop their views/arguments to reach an informed position. 

Desk top review 

Finding and going over all available documentation on a subject. 

Devolved jurisdiction: 

Devolution is about the transfer of power by a central government (like the UK government) to local or regional administrations (like Stormont). The local government is known as a devolved jurisdiction. 

Digital Health and Care Northern Ireland (DHCNI):  

The group within the Northern Ireland Health and Social Care System who use data and digital technology to try and improve services for patients and working practices for staff.   


A body or organisation that provides finance for a project. 

Health Data Research United Kingdom (HDR UK):  

The national institute for research that uses health data. 

Local government 

Northern Ireland is divided into 11 districts run by the local council. Together these are known as the local government.  


Northern Ireland Public Data Panel 

Northern Ireland Trusted Research Environment (NITRE):  

Part of DHCNI; responsible for strategic data linkage infrastructure for health data and research in Northern Ireland. Funder of NIPDP. 

Partner (Ship): 

An agreed association between two or more people or organisations 


Taking a working example of an idea and testing it with a small group of people. 


Someone who practices a particular activity or profession, e.g. a nurse practitioner 


An early example of something that is made to test an idea and see what needs to be changed and improved.  

Public involvement  

Projects that are undertaken 'with' or 'by' the public, not 'to', 'about' or 'for' them. It means that people with relevant experience contribute to how projects are designed, carried out and shared.  


The different groups in society that can influence or bring pressure to bear upon a firm's decision making and have an impact upon its marketing performance 

Public sector 

The organisations and services that are funded, owned and operated by the government 

Regional City Deals – Belfast:  

City Deals are an injection of government money that fund new infrastructure and create partnerships between public and private sector organisations in the region to increase growth.  

Smart Cities Programme:  

Smart cities aim to use data and technology to improve a city’s infrastructure, environment and services.  


Individual, company, institution or organisation that takes on legal responsibility for starting, managing and funding of project 


A person, group or company that is interested in, or affected by, an area of work. 

Trusted Research Environment (TREs): 

Highly secure places where researchers can access information and tools to analyse data remotely in a safe way.  This means that data doesn’t need to leave a safe location to be sent to researchers.  

TREs enable researchers to gain access to data in a safe way. They do so by creating highly secure digital environments that provide remote access to information and analytical tools in a single place, removing the need for data to leave the safe location to be sent out to researchers. 

UK National Core Studies:  

A group of studies that bring together important parts of the UK data set-up in one gateway portal that is used to discover data. The National Core Studies (NCS) work with people interested in medical, biological and social science data research across the whole UK. 

The National Core Studies brought together core assets of the UK data infrastructure in the Health Data Research Innovation Gateway, the UK 's portal for data discovery. The NCS work in partnership with stakeholders from across the 4 UK nations to organise medical, biological, and social science data on an unprecedented scale. 

User-centred design  

Design that is based on the opinion and feedback of the people using the service or product. This involves the person using the service or product throughout the design and the development stages.  

Design is based upon understanding of users, tasks, and environments; is driven and refined by user evaluation; and addresses the whole user experience. The process involves users throughout the design and development process. 

Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector: 

Sometimes referred to as 'the Third Sector' or 'the Charity Sector’. It is made up of groups that are independent of government and are constitutionally self-governing, usually managed by an unpaid voluntary committee.