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Online learning

Fellowship Application Videos
Getting started with your proposal

This series of 9 online training videos have been designed to help postdocs understand fellowships and start their application.

It includes: "Introduction to fellowships", "Finding a fellowship", "Tips for a successful application (what to think about before starting to write)", "Research proposal", "Impact and dissemination", "Institution and support", "Finance", "CV and career plan" and "Ethical considerations"

In addition to the videos, fellowship applicants can receive additional support by the Research Development Team, such as feedback on draft and mock interviews (see contacts in the Research Development Team on the R&E staff directory).

Watch the fellowship videos

The videos are accessible by Queen's staff and students.

Access to the videos and additional support can be granted on demand to external candidates developing a proposal to join Queen's University Belfast. The candidates would need to be supported by a Queen's academic and School as well as have contacted Research Development ( to discuss the feasibility of their application.

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Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) in research
Designing and delivering impactful research by engaging with external groups

This online course aims at helping researchers engaging with the public and patients for their research, and includes content provided by academics and PPI contributors from across the national PPI Ignite Network (all-island of Ireland network including Queen's) and some international contributors.

This self-paced course includes five modules: 'Introduction to PPI', 'How to do meaningful involvement', 'Practical examples and involvement case studies', 'Going online - How to conduct virtual involvement activities', and 'Reporting and evaluating PPI'.

Open PPI in research course

Nature Masterclasses
Publishing, Collaboration, Data Management, Career Development and more

Nature Masterclasses can be accessed freely by Queen's researchers and provides a series of online courses, mainly designed for life sciences researchers, including "Scientific Writing and publishing", "Effective Collaboration in Research", "Managing Research Data", "Narrative Tools for Researchers", "Focus on Peer Review", "Persuasive Grant Writing", "Networking for researchers", "Advancing your scientific presentations", "Data analysis", "Data Analysis: Conducting and Troubleshooting", "Interpreting scientific results", "Getting and academic research position", "Effective Science Communication", "Creating successful research posters" (please expand by clicking on "read more" to get further details on the content).

How to access the courses:

  • Go to the Nature Masterclasses website
  • In "Login", select "login with your institutional credentials"
  • Select Queen's University Belfast in the list of institutions
  • Login with your Queen's login details
  • Enter your email and confirm it (you will receive an email with a link to click on)
  • Enjoy the courses!

Open the Nature Masterclasses website

Scientific Writing and publishing:

Hear from Nature Research journal editors about how to write and publish a great paper. It covers writing skills, paper structure and data presentation, selecting a journal, the publication process and peer-review and specific considerations for review articles.

Writing and Publishing a Review Paper

Hear from Nature Portfolio Chief Editors about how to write a strong review paper. It covers how to identify the review paper motivation, refine the audience, select and evaluate primary literature, create effective display items and navigate the submission process.

Effective Collaboration in Research:

Hear from researchers, funders, editors and professionals about how to join, set up and lead collaborative projects. It covers the reasons for collaborating, how to do so effectively, how to start and lead collaborations, troubleshooting and managing outputs.

Managing Research Data to unlock its full potential:

Hear from data management experts, researchers, funders, publishers and specialists about how to develop a data management plan and your own skills to comply with requirements. It covers what data management plans are for and how to create one, how to organise and store data properly and how to share data, notably through repositories.

Narrative Tools for Researchers:

Hear from researchers, editors and journalists about enhancing your communication skills to tell your research story. It will cover the power of storytelling techniques, how to build a clear engaging story and refine it to your audience.

Focus on peer-review:

Hear from Nature editors and researchers about the peer-review process and how to review the papers of other researchers. It will cover your role as a peer-reviewer, the peer-review report, ethics in peer-review and variations and innovations related to peer-review.

Persuasive Grant Writing

Hear from 9 grant writing experts about how to use narrative tools to develop a grant application that will talk to the funder and increase your chances of success. It will cover how to understand what funders are looking for in a grant application, how to make your grant more persuasive and effectively target your audience, as well as create a narrative and improve the overallquaility of your application.

Networking for researchers

Hear from 10 experts in networking about how to network efffectively in person and online. It will cover how to identify networking opportunities, how to build an effective network, strategies to approach people and nurture your working relationships, as well as how to leverage your network to advance your career.

Advancing your scientific presentations

Hear from scientific presentation experts, designers and trainers about how to tell your research's story efficiently to peers, in person or virtually. It will cover story design, slide preparation, delivery and dealing with challenges.

Data Analysis: planning and preparing

Hear from data scientists, statisticians and analysis experts about how to plan your data analysis and prepare your data.

Data Analysis: Conducting and Troubleshooting

Hear from data analysis experts about how to identify tools, analytic methods and troubleshooting strategies to effectively analyse your data.

Interpreting Scientific Results

Hear from experts with wide-ranging experience in interpreting scientific results.

Getting an academic research position

Hear from research career specialists and established academics about how to identify positions that suit your needs, develop applications that highlight your relevant qualities, present yourself effectively at interview and reflect on job suitability and competing offers.

Effective Science Communication

Hear from publishing experts about how core tools and techniques needed to effectively communicate your findings in a clear, engaging, and impactful way to different audiences and using different media (writing, public speaking, social media, interviews etc.)

Creating successful research posters

hear from experts in science communication and research poster design and presentation about how to create posters that will convey your key message to your audience. It will include selecting visual and text elements, prepare a useful handout etc.

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LinkedIn Learning
Thousands of expert videos

The University provides free access to LinkedIn learning for all staff.

LinkedIn Learning includes a range of training videos and tutorials run by experts in thir field. These cover a huge range of topics, including business skills, personal and professional development, IT/digital skills, education, leadership etc.

Click on "read more" below to see some specific playlists.

There is more information on this resource on the People and Culture website.

Request access (new user)  Open LinkedIn Learning

Organisational Development has set up specific playlists for researchers, which you can find directly on LinkedIn Learning as part of Queen's resources or by clicking on the links below:

Researcher skills – Engagement, Influence and Impact

Researcher Skills – Research Governance and Organisation

Researcher skills – Knowledge and intellectual abilities


Project Management

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Good research practices
Research integrity, conduct, data, analysis and ethics

This online modular training programme on Good Research Practice has been developed by Oxford University Press. The course facilitates compliance with the UK Concordat to Support Research Integrity – which all Institutions and researchers must comply with.   

There are currently 13 modules covering different topics (Good Research Conduct, Irresponsible Research Practices, Planning Your Research, Managing and Recording Your Research, Data Selection, Analysis and Presentation, Scholarly Publication, Professional Responsibilities, Communication, Social Responsibility and Impact, Conflicts of Interest, Responsible Conduct of Research with Human Participants, The Care and Use of Animals in Research, Intellectual Property and Export Control). 

You can access the course via Queen's online (Service Applications / Other / Online training / Home / Resources / Courses for Staff / Research Courses (academic and research staff only) / RI).

Good Research Practices

Professional Skills for Research Leaders
Career development, funding, management, collaboration, communication

Queen's provides access to this online course, designed by Oxford press, to all academic and research staff. It provides information to develop the skills required of research leaders.

It includes 6 modules:

  • Introduction
  • Developing and consolidating your research career
  • Funding your research
  • Managing a research team
  • Research collaboration
  • Communicating your research

You can access this course via Queen's Online (Service Applications / Other / Online training / Home / Resources / Courses for Staff / Research Courses (academic and research staff only) / PSRL)

Professional Skills for Research Leaders

Good Clinical Practice
International standard for clinical research

Good Clinical Practice training is delivered through an e-learning package, with access controlled by the University’s Research Governance Team or a Health and Social Care Trust R&D office.

People wishing to avail of the training are required to contact the Research Governance team.

Email Research Governance