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Implementation of the Windsor Framework

  • 2024 (July-August): UK General Election | Prime Minister Starmer visits Northern Ireland


    8 July
    New Labour Party Prime Minister Kier Starmer visits Northern Ireland and says he will pursue a "better deal" with the EU than the one currently in place.

    4 July
    UK general election takes place. Labour Party are elected in 412 seats (+211) while the Conservative Party return 121 seats (-251); the Liberal Democrats return 72 MPs (+64) while the SNP elect just 9 MPs (-39). 

    In Northern Ireland, Sinn Féin regain 7 seats while the DUP loose 3, returning 5 MPs meaning SF is the largest party representing NI in Westminster for the first time. The SDLP regain the 2 seats they held. An independent unionist is elected for North Down while the Alliance Party, the UUP, and the TUV return 1 MP each.  

  • 2024 (May-June): High Court on Illegal Migration Act | EU-UK Joint Committee Meeting | Withdrawal Agreement Annual Report | European Parliament Elections


    18 June
    Northern Ireland Assembly passes a motion affirming the "huge opportunity afforded to [the] local economy as a result of the dual market access" for goods into both the EU and UK markets.

    6-9 June
    European Parliament elections take place. The results are positive for the centre-right European People's Party (EPP) group and see far right representatives make gains across the EU while the Greens and the liberal Renew Europe loose seats.  

    30 May
    Democratic Scrutiny Committee publishes its first report setting out conclusions of its inquiry into replacement act Regulation (EU) 2024/1143 on geographical indications for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products. 

    24 May 
    Withdrawal Agreement EU-UK Joint Committee annual report for 2023 is published.

    16 May
    A meeting of the EU-UK Joint Committee takes place. Two decisions are adopted: one regarding tariff-free imports of certain agri-food products to NI and another regarding the addition of EU regulation on labelling of organic pet food to Annex 2 of the Windsor Framework; a joint statement is also published.

    15 May
    Belfast High Court rules that provisions of the Illegal Migration Act breach UK obligations under Article 2 of the Windsor Framework and so are disapplied in NI. 

    14 May
    The BBC reports that Baroness Arlene Foster is to be appointed chairperson of InterTrade UK.

    3 May
    Taoiseach Simon Harris visits Stormont.

    1 May
    New scheme for GB-NI parcel carriers opens for registration.

  • 2024 (Mar-Apr): Applicability Motions | East-West Council | North South Ministerial Council | British Irish Parliamentary Assembly | British Irish Intergovernmental Conference


    29 April
    NI Assembly debates second applicability motion on an EU regulation on labelling of organic pet food. The Assembly voted in favor of application with cross-community consent.

    British Irish Intergovernmental Conference takes place in London.

    25 April
    A meeting of the Specialised Committee on the Implementation of the Windsor Framework takes place; a joint statement is published.

    German Ambassador to the UK, Miguel Berger, visits Belfast and holds meetings at Stormont. 

    16 April
    UK Government issue statutory guidance pursuant to regulation 4 of the Windsor Framework (Implementation) Regulations 2024. 

    14 April
    British Irish Parliamentary Assembly meets in Wicklow.

    12 April
    The Windsor Framework (Implementation) Regulations 2024 come into force; these empower UK Ministers to do anything NI Ministers can do for the purpose of implementing provisions of the Windsor Framework. 

    8 April
    North South Ministerial Council plenary meets for the first time since 2021.

    SEUPB announce £141million of PEACE PLUS funding will be invested to upgrade the cross-border Enterprise rail service.

    26 March
    Inaugural meeting of the East-West Council takes place in London.

    21 March
    UK Government launches consultation on the introduction of a UK carbon border adjustment mechanism. 

    19 March
    NI Assembly debates its first applicability motion on an EU regulation on the protection of geographical indications for craft and industrial products. The motion does not achieve cross-community consent so is not passed.

    UK announce it will host the European Political Community in July 2024. 

    7 March
    UK Government launches appeal against the Belfast High Court ruling on the incompatibility of the Legacy Act with the ECHR and Article 2 of the Windsor Framework.

    4 March
    Equality Commission Northern Ireland publish briefing paper on EU Pay Transparency Directive and UK obligations under Article 2 Windsor Framework.

  • 2024 (Jan-Feb): Safeguarding the Union | NI Institutions Return | High Court on Legacy Act | Implementing Legislation


    29 February
    The Interparliamentary Forum meets and is attended by NI elected representatives for the first time.

    UK Government publishes guidance on movements of parcels from GB to NI under the Windsor Framework from end of Sept 2024. 

    28 February
    Belfast High Court rules that provisions in the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Act 2023 are incompatible with Article 2 and 3 of the ECHR and Article 2 of the Windsor Framework. 

    21 February
    US Ambassador to the UK, Jane Hartley, visits NI Assembly Buildings.

    20 February
    A cross-party group of Irish MEPs write to European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič urging him to ensure the UK upholds its obligations under Article 2 of the Windsor Framework. 

    Two statutory instruments - the Windsor Framework (Constitutional Status of Northern Ireland) Regulations 2024 and the Windsor Framework (UK Internal Market and Unfettered Access) Regulations 2024 - introduced as part of the Safeguarding the Union deal become law.

    19 February
    NI Economy Minister Conor Murphy (Sinn Féin) sets out his economic vision for Northern Ireland.

    15 February
    The new Windsor Framework Democratic Scrutiny Committee in the NI Assembly holds its first meeting. 

    13 February
    British-Irish Chamber of Commerce welcomes the Safeguarding the Union deal.

    10 February
    Equality Commission for NI publishes its view of the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill in view of UK commitments in Article 2 of the Windsor Framework.

    9 February
    Reports indicate coming legal action against the UK Government over its plans for carrying out checks on food products arriving in Dover at a new facility 22miles inland.

    3 February
    NI Assembly returns. Edwin Poots (DUP) is elected Speaker, Michelle O'Neill (Sinn Féin) is appointed First Minister and Emma Little Pengelly (DUP) is appointed deputy First Minister. 

    31 January
    UK Government publishes the Safeguarding the Union Command Paper setting out the substance of the deal reached with the DUP alongside two draft regulations and one consultation on draft regulations, new statutory guidance and correspondence with the NI Assembly. The NI Secretary makes a statement in the House of Commons regarding the deal and accompanying measures.

    European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič and Foreign Secretary David Cameron release a joint statement following a call held in view of the UKG-DUP deal and the anticipated restoration of the NI institutions.

    30 January
    DUP leader Sir Jeffery Donaldson announces his party's endorsement of a deal with the UK Government on the implementation of the Windsor Framework which, Donaldson states, "safeguards Northern Ireland's place in the Union and will restore our place in the UK internal market". 

    18 January
    Over 100,000 public sector workers in Northern Ireland take part in a day of industrial action in an ongoing dispute over pay.

    17 January
    NI Assembly is recalled following a Sinn Féin petition, also supported by the SDLP. Failure to achieve cross-community support for the election of Speaker prevented any further business. 

    16 January
    French MEP and Co-Chair of the EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly expresses concern regarding the potential for the UK to renege from the ECHR via the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill and notes its significance for the 1998 Agreement.

    10 January
    European Economic and Social Committee visits Belfast. 

    2 January
    UK Government publishes updated guidance on Explanatory Memoranda for statutory instruments which includes consideration of Article 2 of the Windsor Framework.

  • 2023 (Oct-Dec): Implementation of Windsor Framework changes | NIHRC Legal Challenge | British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly | EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly
  • 2023 (July-Sept): Ireland support Erasmus for NI | UK-EU Agreement on Horizon | Launch of PEACE PLUS | NI Investment Summit


    29 Sept
    UK Government announce extension of the Trader Support Service until December 2024.

    28 Sept
    A meeting of the UK-EU Joint Committee takes place with the 'alternate co-chairs' presiding. A decision is taken to add two EU acts to Annex 2 of the Windsor Framework and declarations regarding preparations for the implementation of new arrangements for the movement of goods from GB to NI are made by the EU and UK respectively. A joint statement is published. 

    20 Sept
    A meeting of the Specialised Committee on the Implementation of the Windsor Framework takes place. A joint statement is published.

    18 Sept
    Labour Party leader Sir Kier Starmer says he will seek a "much better" Brexit deal if he becomes Prime Minister after the next UK general election.

    15 Sept
    European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs visits Northern Ireland.

    12-13 Sept
    Investment Summit takes place in Northern Ireland.

    11 Sept
    PEACE PLUS funding is officially launched in Belfast - NI Secretary and EC Vice President both gave remarks.

    8 Sept
    UK Government publishes guidance on movements of parcels GB to NI under the Windsor Framework.

    7 Sept
    UK and EU reach agreement on the UK's accession to Horizon and Copernicus.

    28 July
    UK Government publishes guidance on the NI Retail Movement Scheme regarding sealing consignments and groupage

    27 July
    Irish Government announce support for NI students participation in Erasmus. 

    17 July
    Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee annual report for 2022 is published.

    3-4 July 
    The 3rd EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly takes place in Brussels.

    3 July
    EU-UK Joint Committee on the Withdrawal Agreement meets in Brussels. The Committee adopted a decision to add two EU acts to those that already apply under Article 5 and Annex 2 of the Windsor Framework.

  • 2023 (May-June): Windsor Framework Implementing Legislation | British Irish Council | British Irish Intergovernmental Conference | Specialised Committee | UK-EU Financial Services MOU


    29 June
    UK Government publish the first Trade and Cooperation Agreement implementation report covering January 2021 to December 2022.

    The Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023 becomes law.

    27 June
    EU and UK sign a Memorandum of Understanding establishing a framework for structured regulatory cooperation in the area of financial services. 

    23 June
    A meeting of the Specialised Committee on the Implementation of the Windsor Framework takes place in Brussels.

    21 June
    US Special Envoy Joe Kennedy III visits Northern Ireland.

    19 June
    A meeting of the British Irish Intergovernmental Conference takes place in London.

    16th June
    The 39th British Irish Council Summit takes place in Jersey.

    13 June
    European Parliament Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety adopts an opinion on post-Brexit arrangements with the UK in which the Windsor Framework is welcomed.

    12 June
    The EU|UK Forum Annual Conference receive addresses from UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly and European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič respectively on the future of UK-EU relations.

    9 June
    UK government publishes guidance on the application of Article 10 of the Protocol/Windsor Framework regarding state aid and on labelling requirements for certain goods moving GB to NI.

    8 June
    A statutory instrument - the Customs (Northern Ireland: Repayment and Remission)(EU Exit) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 - is made which provides for a new reimbursement scheme for traders who paid EU duties on goods entering NI but which did not subsequently move into the EU market. 

    A statutory instrument - the Windsor Framework (Disclosure of Revenue and Customs Information) Regulations 2023 - is made to enable HMRC to share information on goods movements with the EU, as required by the Windsor Framework.

    1 June
    Second meeting of the European Political Community is held in Moldova.

    31 May
    UK's free trade agreements with Australia and New Zealand enter into force. 

    30 May
    EU formally adopts three new pieces of legislation implementing aspects of the Windsor Framework package of measures agreed between the EU and UK.

    17 May
    Interministerial Standing Committee - which brings together ministers from each part of the UK meets - NI officials attend in observatory capacity.

    14-16 May
    The 64th plenary of the British Irish Parliamentary Assembly takes place in Jersey. 

    10 May
    Secretary of State for Business and Trade, Kemi Badenoch, announces "new approach" for the Retained EU Law Bill whereby a specified list of REUL will expire unless preserved at the end of 2023 rather than the initially proposed 'sunset clause' for all REUL not preserved. 

    9 May 
    European Parliament endorse three draft laws that would implement aspects of the Windsor Framework package of measures agreed between the EU and UK. 

  • 2023 (Mar-Apr): Debates on the Windsor Framework | Joint Committee adopts Windsor Framework | 25th Anniversary of 1998 Agreement | Specialised Committee


    27 April
    First meeting of the Specialised Committee on the Protocol takes place. A joint statement is released by the UK and EC. 

    Committees in the European Parliament unanimously approve proposals on SPS measures, and human medicines to implement commitments in the Windsor Framework.

    17-19 April
    A two-day conference takes place at Queen's University Belfast to mark 25th anniversary of the 1998 Agreement.

    12 April
    US President Joe Biden visits Northern Ireland and delivers a speech at Ulster University reflecting on 25 years of the 1998 Agreement.  

    9 April
    The Retained EU Law Bill is dropped from the House of Lords forthcoming business in apparent retreat of UK Government position on the draft legislation. 

    5 April
    UK Government publish its draft Border Operating Model which is due to be progressively introduced from the end of October 2023. 

    EU-UK Joint Committee publish its 2021 Annual Report

    24 March
    A meeting of the UK-EU Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee takes place alongside a meeting of the TCA Partnership Committee. Co-Chairs release a joint statement welcoming the Windsor Framework. The JC adopt a decision on arrangements for its implementation alongside a series of declarations and recommendations.

    Sinn Fein leader welcomes the adoption of the Windsor Framework arrangements and says it is 'time to move forward' and restore NI institutions. 

    23 March
    NI Secretary says the Windsor Framework cannot be renegotiated as he meets with NI political parties. 

    22 March 
    debate on The Windsor Framework (Democratic Scrutiny) Regulations 2023 is held in the House of Commons. An approval motion passes with 515 votes in favor and 29 against. DUP representatives voted against. 

    Office for Internal Market publish first annual report

  • 2023 (Feb-Mar): UK-EU 'Windsor Framework' Deal Announced | DUP Consultation Panel | NI Party Statements


    21 March
    EU General Affairs Council approves the main elements of the Windsor Framework, paving the way for a decision of the the UK-EU Joint Committee.

    UUP statement describes Windsor Framework as 'important stepping stone' towards a lasting solution.  

    20 March 
    UK government publish draft legislation which would give effect to the provision for a 'Stormont Brake' procedure on changes to EU law that apply in NI. A vote is scheduled on The Windsor Framework (Democratic Scrutiny) Regulations 2023 which Downing St have said will serve as a vote on the Framework in its entirety. 

    15 March 
    An EU law granting the European Commission powers to impose trade restrictions on the UK in it breaches its obligations under the Withdrawal Agreement or TCA is adopted. 

    European Commission publish a report on the TCA. 

    14 March
    European Parliament hold a debate on the Windsor Framework and a report on three years of implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement.  

    10 March
    A group of CBI business representatives publish an open letter to the UK Prime Minister stating support for the Windsor Framework. 

    8 March 
    The Retained EU Law Bill completes Committee Stage in the House of Lords. 

    6 March
    DUP leader Sir Jeffery Donaldson announces establishment of a consultation group to examine and report on the Windsor Framework deal. 

    British Irish Parliamentary Assembly holds an extraordinary plenary in Stormont to mark 25 years since the 1998 Agreement. 

    28 February
    UK Prime Minister speaks to local business leaders at the Coca-Cola factory in Lisburn about the Windsor Framework. PM Sunak says the deal would make NI "the world's most exciting economic zone". 

    27 February
    UK Prime Minister and European Commission President hold joint press conference to announce (see respective UK / EU statements) the conclusion of the Windsor Framework an agreement between the EU and UK on revised arrangements for the implementation of the Protocol.

    PM Sunak later makes a statement on the Windsor Framework in the House of Commons. 

    US President Joe Biden releases a statement on the Windsor Framework.

    26 February 
    A joint statement indicates the UK Prime Minister and European Commission President will meet tomorrow.

    18 February
    PM Rishi Sunak and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen have "positive discussion" on the Protocol according to joint statement issued after the two leaders met at the Munich Security Conference. 

    17 February
    EU and UK Co-chairs of the Joint Committee EU's Maroš Šefčovič and UK's James Cleverly have 'constructive' meeting in Brussels. 

    16 February
    PM Sunak visits Northern Ireland and holds talks with political parties in sign that a deal on the Protocol is imminent.