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Specialised Committee

Feeding into the work of the Joint Committee is the Specialised Committee. It is provided for in Article 165 of the Withdrawal Agreement and, like the Joint Committee comprises EU and UK representatives, but at senior civil servant level. Its responsibilities are set out in Article 14 of the Protocol. These include facilitating the implementation and application of the Protocol; examining proposals concerning the Protocol’s implementation and application from the North-South Ministerial Council and North-South Implementation bodies set up under the 1998 Agreement; considering ‘any matter of relevance to Article 2 of the Protocol brought to its attention by the human rights and equality bodies set up pursuant to the 1998 Agreement; discussing any point raised by the Union or the United Kingdom that is of relevance to the Protocol and gives rise to a difficulty; and making recommendations to the Joint Committee as regards the functioning of the Protocol.

With the Windsor Framework (2023), the EU and the UK Government agreed for the Specialised Committee to meet in two additional formations to consider revised arrangements concenting VAT and excise, and issues concerning regulatory divergence 

    • an Enhanced Coordination Mechanism on VAT and excise concerning goods
    • a Special Body on Goods

Agreement was also reached on adjusting the name of the Specialised Committee. It now operates as the Specialised Committee on the implementation of the Windsor Framework.

The Specialised Committee's rules of procedure are set out in Annex VIII to the Withdrawal Agreement. For discussions of the Specialised Committee roles see Protocol Analysis.

The EU's position in the Specialised Committee is determined in line with Article 2 of Council Decision (EU) 2020/135. The Decision also provides for member state representatives to accompany the Commission at meetings. Ireland is specifically mentioned, although representatives of other member states have also attended meetings. 

The UK government is committed to ensuring that representatives from the Northern Ireland Executive are invited to be part of the UK delegation in any meetings of the Specialised Committee discussing Northern Ireland-specific matters which are also being attended by the Irish Government as part of the EU delegation.

The Specialised Committee meets at least once a year. Details of the meetings are provided below.

Date Meeting Issues Covered
22.10.2024 Meeting: agenda, joint statement Included: welcoming operationalisation of tariff rate quotas for certain agricultural goods; stock take implementation of the Windsor Framework and on 'intensive work' underway concerning agri-food, customs, medicines and trade; underlining 'importance of progressing concrete actions to ensure full operation of the safeguards and flexibilities of the Windsor Framework; agreement that 'further pogress would require ongoing commitment and determination, including to deliver tangible practical steps to address outstanding implementation issues; noting 'importance of continued joint working... to ensure the full, timely and faithful implementation of all the elements of the Framework; stock take of work of JCWG and its sub-groups; reiteration of importance of joint engagement with NI stakeholders
18.07.2024 Meeting: agenda, joint statement Included: stock take on work undertaken to implement the Windsor Framework,  especially concerning agri-food, customs, medicines and trade... and 'outstanding implementation issues'; agreement to 'step up work with renewed determination' to ensure 'full, timely and faithful implementation of all the elements of the Framework; stock take of work of JCWG and its sub-groups; reiteration of importance of joint engagement with NI stakeholders
25.04.2024 Meeting: agenda, joint statement Included: noting restoration of NI institutions and PeacePlus cross-border investment; stock take on work undertaken to implement the Windsor Framework, especially regarding agri-food and customs, and preparations for next Joint Committee; agreement to continue 'intensive work... with renewed efforts and commitment' to ensure full implrementation of commitments; stock take of work of JCWG and sub-groups; reiteration of importance of joint engagement with NI stakeholders
24.01.2024 Meeting: agenda, joint statement Included: stock take on work undertaken to implement the Windsor Framework,  especially concerning agri-food and customs; agreement to continue meeting regularly to monitor and ensure the full implementation of all the elements of the Framework in a faithful way; stock take of work of JCWG and its sub-groups; reiteration of importance of joint engagement with NI stakeholders
20.09.2023 Meeting: agenda, joint statement Included: stock take on work undertaken to implement the Windsor Framework, agreed to continue meeting regularly, to monitor and ensure the full implementation of all the elements of the Framework in a faithful way; stock take of work of JCWG and its sub-groups; reiteration of importance of joint engagement with NI stakeholders
23.06.2023 Meeting: agenda, joint statement Included: stock take on work undertaken to implement the Windsor Framework and recent guidance published to support implementation, welcoming of EU's adoption of legislation fulfilling commitments on agri-food, medicines, tariff rate quotas and customs, agreement to continue meeting regularly, to monitor and ensure the full implementation of all the elements of the Framework in a timely way; stock take of work of JCWG; welcoming of establishment of Enhanced Coordination Mechanism on VAT and Excise and JCWG sub-groups; reiteration of importance of joint engagement with NI stakeholders.
15.05.2023 Specialised Committee - Enhanced Coordination Mechanism on VAT and excise: agenda  
27.04.2023 Meeting: agenda; Joint Statement  Included: stock take on work undertaken to implement the Windsor Framework including as regards progress of legislation to address movement of goods, agri-food, medicines and VAT & excise; noted the adoption of amended rules of JCWG procedure and discussed establishment of sub-groups; reiteration of importance of engagement with NI stakeholders. 
08.03.2022 Tenth Meeting: no agenda; Joint Statement Included: stocktake of implementation; determination to address outstanding issues via 'durable solutions'; stocktake of the work of the JCWG; committment to NI stakeholder engagement. 
24.09.2021 Ninth Meeting: no agenda; statements - European CommissionUK Government Included: access to relevant customs databases; status of establishing Border Control Posts; implementation of flexibilities regarding GB-NI movement of live animals; stocktake of the work of the. JCWG; continuation of joint UK and EU engagement with NI stakeholders.
19.07.2021 Eighth Meeting: no agenda; statements - European CommissionUK Government Included:  stocktake of implementation; status of grace periods on chilled meats; proposed solutions to facilitate GB-NI movement of live animals; disagreement on outstanding issues regarding customs, SPS and movement of goods; continuation of joint UK and EU engagement with NI stakeholders.
26.03.2021 Seventh Meeting: no agenda; statements - European CommissionUK Government Included: stocktake of implementation; stocktake of outstanding issues and ways forward; commitments to continue engagement with NI stakeholders. 
23.02.2021 Sixth Meeting: no agenda; no statements issued  
17.12.2020 Fifth Meeting: no agenda; no statements issued  
05.11.2020 Fourth Meeting: no agenda; statements - European CommissionUK Government Included: stocktake on implementation; progress on issues related to VAT, customs, Single Electricity Market and Border Control Posts; the application of EU legislation in the area of medicines; progress on draft decisions to be taken by the Joint Committee.
09.10.2020 Third Meeting: agenda; statements - European CommissionUK Government Included: stocktake on implementation; conclusion of discussions on upcoming Joint Committee decisions; status of Border Control Posts; progress in advance of the end of the Transition Period.
16.07.2020 Second Meeting: no agenda; statements - European CommissionUK Government Included: stocktake on implementation; progress of technical discussions on a range of issues regarding the Protocol; preparations in advance of the end of the Transition Period.  
30.04.2020 First Meeting: no agenda; statements - European CommissionUK Government Included: updates on the implementation of the Protocol; prepatory work in advance of future decisions to be taken by the Joint Committee; reaffirmation of respective UK and EU commitments made under the Protocol.