New Practices
Thank you for choosing to become a QUB teaching practice. We look forward to supporting you in this rewarding role. Here is our new GP Handbook which provides an overview for practices of what they might need to know.
QUB GP Clinical Placement Handbook
You will receive a small plaque to put in the reception of your practice building showing you are a QUB Teaching practice.
You can also use the digital logo below for your practice website or newsletters/social media comms
You may want to use the short paragraph below to explain to your patients what it means to be a teaching practice
We are a Queen's University Belfast Medical School Teaching Practice hosting Medical students on placement. The curriculum and learning objectives for each stage in their undergraduate training ensures that by the end of medical school they have a broad understanding of the role of a GP and General Practice as a career option. They benefit hugely from speaking to patients, and many of our patients say how much they enjoy talking to medical students. As a patient you may be seen by a medical student under the supervision of a qualified Practice clinician. You can, of course, decline this option. Please do let our reception team know if you would prefer not to be seen by our student. These are our doctors of the future and as a practice we are proud to be a part of their journey.
Each year a practice is required to sign an SLA with the medical school at QUB. The current SLA can be downloaded at the link below.
You will also find information about the different modules related to General Practice at this link Curriculum
If you wish to speak to the QUBGP lead for any module, here are the contact details.
Being a GP Tutor or Teaching Practice for Undergraduate Medical Students should not affect your indemnity fees.
Training for GP Tutors
Every September we hold an annual General Tutor meeting and this is recorded for those that cannot attend.
Each practice receives funding for one GP to attend on behalf of their practice (others can attend, but are not funded).
The lead for each curriculum module in GP also hosts an annual update; again there is funding for one GP to attend on behalf of their practice.
You can find more on the Resources section of this website.
All GPs teaching or examining for QUB need to have completed Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) training every 5 years. Training completed for another role is accepted. We are currently updating the EDI training for QUB GP tutors and will share more information at our September update.
We now have an online CPD programme to help Tutors develop their teaching skills and learn from each other. You can see our recent webinars at this link GPCPA CPD Events
We have created a Home Visit guidance document document to allow practices to consider how best to involve medical students in this activity.
Home Visiting Guidance for practices PDF
Guidance provided to the students themselves re practice visits is available below:- Student Info for Home Visits
It can be really useful to speak to other GPs in your locality who have been teaching medical students. If you would like to chat to GPs in your area that are already GP Tutors, then please email
CP2A for this role
You are required to have a CP2A from QUB for your GP appraisal. It is issued retrospectively at the end of each academic year
You can request this by filling in the form at this link CP2A request and self review form
Useful Resources