Multi-disciplinary Ward Round Checklists
The MDT wardound is not just an isolated daily checklist on the ward round. It is about encouraging a multdisciplinary approach to all aspects of ICU patient care by encouraging an ethos of equality amongst team members. The generic ward round checklist developed for SANDWICH has a two fold function
1-Facility for recording discussions on the wardround regarding ventilation & sedation issues to aid feedback to bedside staff and ensure clarity of plans within the ICU team.
2- To act as a prompt to remind MDT staff in the ICU of the essential topics for discussion and encourage adherence to all aspects of the bundle for each patient.
Each unit could opt to use the generic checklist or was assisted in modifying a site specific wardround checklist. Please contact the Implementation Manager using the link below if you would like to discuss developing a personalised MDT Ward round checklist for your ICU.
Each of the documents below are designed to be printed in double sided format.
Generic Ward Round Checklist (Blank)
The Wellcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine
School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
Queen's University Belfast
97 Lisburn Road
Tel: (+44) 028 9097 1643