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Making an Impact

Making an Impact

This award celebrates an initiative that has made a significant positive impact beyond the expected responsibilities of research or academic work, benefiting the broader community in Northern Ireland or globally.

The individual or team recognised has gone above and beyond the core role, making a meaningful difference through activities such as volunteering, community engagement, education, or other efforts that contribute to societal wellbeing. Their work has fostered inclusivity, social responsibility, and real-world change, advancing not only the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but also creating tangible benefits for local communities and wider society. This award honours those whose contributions have had a lasting, transformative effect, enhancing the quality of life for others and inspiring positive social impact.


£1,000 will be awarded to the winning individual. The team prize is capped at £5,000.

Core Value

This award relates to our CONNECTIVITY value.

Entry Criteria

  • Award entries should relate to work undertaken in the period between 1 August 2023 and 31 July 2024.
  • This award is open both individuals and teams.
  • Teams should comprise of no more than 20 members. While teams are capped at 20, in exceptional circumstances larger teams will be considered, although the prize money will remain capped at £5,000 - if nominating more than 20 people as part of a team, please be mindful that the £5,000 prize fund will mean a smaller monetary prize for individual members of the team. If you still wish to nominate more than 20 members, please complete the online form, and email the list of additional staff (including email addresses) to
  • If the nominee(s) have collaborated with partners outside Queen's for a particular project, they can be included in the nomination, however, please note that only Queen's staff members can be named as winners and awarded prize money.

Nomination Advice

The Judging panel will be looking for details of the impact that has been made on either the Queen's community, or the community in NI or further afield. They will want to know about the work that was done, how it was done and what the positive outcome was.

Our past winners...
2022 Winner
Dr Neil Galway

Neil is Director of Postgraduate Studies in Planning and during the year worked with stakeholders to create The Department for Communities/Queen's University Belfast Placemaking Academy. This collaborative teaching endeavour incorporates reflective practitioner-led workshops, peer learning and field trips – providing professional development for practitioners while equipping students with an evidence-based collaborative educational experience.

Read Neil's blog

2021 Winner
NI Special Schools COVID-19 Testing Team

This team was made up of Queen's staff as well as external partners. Together, they have made a significant positive impact on the special school community in Northern Ireland with the introduction of a saliva-based testing programme. The work of this team decreased the risk of COVID transmission and potential outbreaks by identifying asymptomatic cases in this vulnerable population.

2020 Winner
Dr Anne Campbell

Anne is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work and made a significant impact on society through her expert contributions to drug-using and drug treatment. From her teaching and research, to informing policy and working in the community during the pandemic, she augmented what we know about drugs and alcohol treatment and practice in NI and the UK.