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Ulster Archaeological Society


Rules and Constitution incorporating amendments up to October 2023.

  1. TITLE: The Society shall be called the "The Ulster Archaeological Society".


  1. OBJECTS: The objects of the Society shall be to advance the education of the public in archaeology and history particularly in regard to Ulster.  In furtherance thereof but no further or otherwise the Society may

(i)            organise meetings, classes and lectures,

(ii)          publish the Ulster Journal of Archaeology,

(iii)          promote the involvement of the public in local archaeological activity,

(iv)         do all such other things that shall further the objectives of the Society or any of them.


  1. RULES: All members shall read and comply with the Ulster Archaeological Society’s Rules of Conduct, set by the committee, as published by the Society.


  1. MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTION: The Society shall have the following categories of membership, all of which require the member to be over 18 years of age.

(a)           Ordinary Membership; payment of the appropriate subscription shall entitle ordinary members to receive the Journal of the Society, occasional Newsletters and to take part in all the activities of the Society.

(b)           Honorary Membership;  as for (a) but no charge.  Not more than one may be elected in anyone year.

(c)           Retired Membership;  as for (a) but no Journal.

(d)           Household Membership; this may comprise two adults and all their adult children, living at the one address.  All can take part in the activities of the Society but the family shall receive only one copy of each Journal and each Newsletter and be entitled to only one vote at any meeting of the Society.

(e)           Institutional Membership; payment of the appropriate subscription and appropriate post and packing charge shall entitle the Institution to receive the Journal and Newsletter of year of payment.

(f)           Retired Family Membership; this may comprise of two retired people, living at the one address.  Both can take part in all the activities of the Society.  They will not receive the Society’s Journal but will receive the printed newsletters and be entitled to one vote at any meeting of the Society.

(g)           Student Membership; payment of the appropriate subscription shall entitle student members to take part in all the activities of the Society. This will apply to students of any age over 18 years. Student members will not receive the Society’s Journal or printed newsletters and will be directly contacted by the Society by email only.

The subscription rates for the various categories of membership shall be determined by the General Committee which is empowered to change the rates from time to time as it sees fit.  Subscriptions shall be due and payable on 1st January each year.


(i)  The financial year shall be from 1st January to 31st December.
(ii) All monies received on behalf of the Society or the Journal shall he paid into a banking account in the name of the "Ulster Archaeological Society".  Withdrawals from the account shall be made only over the signatures of the Honorary Treasurer and one other officer of the Society.


  1. OFFICERS: The officers of the Society shall be:-

(a)           President (whose term of office shall be for a maximum of six consecutive years)

(b)           Not more than three Vice-Presidents (whose term of office shall be for a maximum of six consecutive years)

(c)           Honorary Editor of the Journal

(d)           Honorary Secretary

(e)           Honorary Treasurer

(f)            Honorary Editor of the Newsletter

(g)           Honorary Fieldwork Coordinator

All officers shall offer themselves for re-election each year.


  1. EDITORIAL BOARD: The Editorial Board shall consist of four Members of the Society who shall be appointed to the General Committee, in addition to the Honorary Editor.

(i) The General Committee shall consist of

(a)           the Officers,

(b)           the Editorial Board, and

(c)           six Ordinary Members of the Society.

(d)           Each newly elected President of the Archaeological Society at Queen’s University Belfast or their nominee shall be automatically offered a place on the General Committee, conditional on their being a member of the UAS in good standing.


(ii) Standing members of the General Committee will serve for a term of three years; those retiring being ineligible for re-election for one year. 

(iii) The General Committee shall have the power to fill casual vacancies by co-option, to add to its membership by appointment of such assistant officers as may be desirable, and to recommend to Annual General Meetings suitable persons to be elected as Honorary Members.



(i) The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than the 28th February in each year.

(ii) The business shall consist of:-

(a)           Minutes of the previous AGM;

(b)           Reports of the past year from the Secretary, Treasurer and Editor;

(c)           Election of Officers;

(d)           Election of two full members to serve on the General Committee for a term of three years, those retiring being ineligible for re-election for one year;

(e)           Election of an Honorary Auditor;

(f)           Any other competent business.


  1. ALTERATION OF THE RULES: Alteration of the Rules of the Society may only be made at the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting provided that notice of the motion to alter the Rules be delivered in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least thirty days before the date of the meeting and that notice of such alteration be given in the notice convening the Meeting. No alteration shall be made to the Rules of the Society unless two-thirds of the Members present entitled to vote and voting shall vote in favour, provided that no amendments shall be made to the Constitution which would cause the Society to cease to be a charity at Law.


  1. DISSOLUTION: In the event of the dissolution of the Society for whatever reason any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any outstanding debts and liabilities shall be transferred to some other charity or charities, as chosen by the General Committee, having objects similar to the objects of the Society.