Mid-term Meeting
Newton Bhabha UK-India Industrial Waste Challenge
2nd to 3rd March 2020, Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai
Representatives from all of the vWa partners attended a meeting at IITB on 2nd nd 3rd March 2020. The meeting provided an opportunity to showcase the progress of the progress of the vWa project to date, and for all partners to engage and plan for the future of the project.
On day 1 of the meeting, Professor Vivek Ranade, Queen's University Belfast, and Proffessor Sanjay Patil, Vasantdada Sugar Institute Manjari, presented an overview of the vWa project to the delegation of attendees.
On day 2 of the project, the vWa consortium engaged in breakout sessions that focussed on Reaching Exploitation, and on Showcasing and Disseminating Project Putcomes.