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CT - Quote Block

PHOTO: David Humphreys MBE, Former Irish Rugby Captain
A degree in Law from Queen's gave me the confidence to lead change and inspire those around me. David Humphreys MBE, Former Irish Rugby Captain
Queen's University Belfast

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Specific Guidance

The Student Quote content type displays a single quote. The person's name and their degree/subject is displayed underneath the quote, with their image located to the right side of the quote. Quotation marks are automatically added. The left column can also contain a Section, Content or Web Link.

You can add this content type to any page within your site.  It can be used on its own on a webpage or along with other content types.  It can only be used to display direct quotes from the person named. You can choose to display the quote without an image.

General Guidance

  • Organise Content Blocks: Avoid condensing all information into a single content block. If your content includes multiple data types, structure it into separate blocks for easier maintenance and future edits.
  • Use Headings Properly: Headings should be used to group content and establish hierarchy, not for styling. Proper heading usage improves both accessibility and readability.
  • Internal and External Links: When linking within your website, use Section Links and Content Links, as the Web CMS automatically updates these if content is reorganised. For external links, always use the full URL of the destination website or resource.
  • Third-Party Content and Custom Code: Do not embed unapproved third-party content or add custom code without consulting our team via the IT Service Desk.

Visit our section How to Write for the Web for some guidance on creating and maintaining content on your website.

Images and Documents

All assets for use on our website must be properly prepared before they are added to the Media Library.

  • Copyright Compliance: Ensure all assets are sourced responsibly. If using third-party assets, obtain the necessary permissions before uploading to avoid copyright infringements.
  • Accessibility: Documents must be fully accessible before being added to the Media Library for website use.
  • Optimising Assets: Images must match the required dimensions (Width x Height) for use with Content Types. These requirements are provided in field descriptions and form guidance. Document file size must be optimised for upload to the Media Library and for use on the web. The maximum file size for upload to the Media Library is 5MB (megabytes).
  • Filename Convention: Users must ensure that assets are named correctly before they are uploaded to the Media Library. Assets must only contain lowercase letters (a to z), numerals 0-9) and hyphens (-). Avoid spaces, special characters, or uppercase letters.

Visit our Media Library information section for more guidance and resources.

Accessibility Guidance

Please use the following guidance to help make sure your content adheres to accessibility regulations:

  • Do not create images with embedded text.
  • Do not add image Alt Text / Description to your image if it is decorative.
  • Do not use generic link text such as 'Click Here' and 'Read More'.
  • Do not add HTML elements such as span, div, h1 or CSS to any of the fields to change the structure or styling of the Content Type. It will be removed by our team.
  • Ensure that you have added a descriptive title attribute to any third party embeds on your website such as video embeds for Panopto and YouTube.

Visit our Accessible Content Guidance for more information on how to make sure your website content is accessible.

Form Field Guidance

Name: CT - Quote Block

Description: Add a quotation with attribution, along with flexible options for an image and a link.

Field NameField DescriptionSizeTypeRequired
NameThe name of the piece of content80 Charactersplain textYes
Person NamePlease refer to the Editorial Style Guide to see how a student's degree and year of graduation should be noted.64 Charactersplain textYes
Degree / SubjectPlease ensure that the subject is recorded accurately.64 Charactersplain textYes
Text / QuoteQuotation marks are included in the template600 Charactersplain textYes
Image800 x 533px thumbnail image. For images requiring fine detail with high resolution you should use the PNG image format2048 KilobytesMediaNo
Location or auxiliary info64 Charactersplain textNo
CHOOSE Section Link OR Web Address OR NoneYou can either link to a section within our site or to any web page - please specify which type of link required.2048 CharactersRadio ButtonNo
Section Link for ButtonTo be completed IF you have selected a Section Link2048 CharactersSection/Content LinkNo
Web Address for ButtonTo be completed IF you have selected a Web Address256 Charactersplain textNo
Text for Web Address ButtonWhen writing a link, make it descriptive with relevant terms instead of using something generic like ‘click here’ or ‘more’.65 Charactersplain textNo