Cancer Caring Coping Final Report
Download the final report for the Co-design, development and evaluation of an online resource to support cancer caregivers.

One and a half million people aged 16 and over in the UK are caring in the community for a family member or friend affected by cancer (Macmillan Cancer Care, 2016); 48,000 of which live in Northern Ireland (Macmillan Cancer Care, 2016). Informal carers (caregivers) include unpaid carers, people who look after family members, friends, neighbours or others, because of long-term physical or mental ill health or disability (Department of Health, 2016).
This project, in partnership with carers, voluntary agencies, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust (BHSCT), and Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT) aimed to develop and evaluate a website to support cancer caregivers. There were five key stages of the project: (1) Development of key concepts with cancer patient and carer involvement; (2) Engagement with the voluntary sector; (3) Filming and production of the website; (4) Refinement of production with cancer carer and other key stakeholder involvement; (5) Evaluation and subsequent refinement of the website.
Download the final report: