Dr Gianmarco Alberti

I received my PhD in Prehistory from the University of Udine (Italy) in 2012, my MA (cum laude) in Archaeology from the University of Lecce (Italy) in 2007, and my BA (Laurea, cum laude) in Classics from the University of Catania (Italy) in 2003. I have more than 10 years of experience in archaeological research, developed both autonomously and within the framework of university projects. I have been member of two research projects coordinated by the University of Catania (Italy) in 2005 (Central and Eastern Mediterranean in the 2nd millennium B.C.: The development of an international network through inner transformations and external projections)and 2007 (Beyond equality: Communal space and the individual dimension in Mediterranean Prehistory). I have been consultant of non-governmental associations (2005-2009) for data mining and statistical analyses, and of the Archaeological Superintendence of Catania (Italy) for the preparation of an international exhibition (2006-2007).
My research interests are centered round the Bronze Age of Sicily and southern Italy, with a specific focus on funerary and household archaeology, settlement analysis at the site level, groups dynamics and decision-making processes, pottery seriation, quantitative archaeology, Bayesian modeling of radiocarbon dates, Geographic Information System, and spatial analysis. I have published articles on internationally recognized peer-reviewed journals (Radiocarbon, PLOS ONE, Journal of Quaternary Science, Journal of Archaeological Science among others), as well as one monograph and contributions to conference proceedings. I also act as reviewer for journals such as Archaeometry, Current Anthropology, Radiocarbon, PLoS ONE.
Since March 2014, I work at the University of Malta within the FRAGSUS project, and I am in charge of the GIS laboratory at the Department of Classics and Archaeology. My research is focused on GIS, spatial modeling, spatial data visualization, and landscape analysis in the Maltese archipelago. I routinely use ArcGIS and QGIS, complemented by the use of statistical software such as JMP, STATISTICA, and the R statistical programming environment. As for the latter, I have built packages and functions to perform different types of hypothesis tests, multivariate analyses, and predictive models validation. For the purposes of my research within FRAGSUS, I created a GIS database of prehistoric and historical evidences in the Maltese archipelago, with the aim to explore, model, and understand the relation between past communities and the landscape. The work has also comprised georeferencing and digitizing hundreds of modern survey sheets as well as historical cadastral maps, processing of LiDAR data, analysing and processing Digital Elevation Models and airborne imagery, 3D modelling and visualization, performing settlements suitability analysis. Large part of my research has been focused on developing a logistic regression model in GIS environment on the basis of mid-1800s cadastral maps, with the aim to assess which environmental and cultural factors have possibly influenced the agricultural quality in Malta before mechanization.
Selected Publications
G Alberti, The aid of Bayesian radiocarbon modeling in assessing the chronology of Middle Bronze Age Sicily at the site level. A case study. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2, 2015, 246-256
G Alberti, Modeling group size and scalar stress by logistic regression from an archaeological perspective. PLoS ONE 9(3), 2014, e91510
G Alberti,Making Sense of Contingency Tables in Archaeology: the Aid of Correspondence Analysis to Intra-Site Activity Areas Research. Journal of Data Science 11, 2013, 479-499
G Alberti,Issues in the absolute chronology of the Early–Middle Bronze Age transition in Sicily and southern Italy: a Bayesian radiocarbon view. Journal of Quaternary Science 28(6), 2013, 630-640
G Alberti,A Bayesian 14C chronology of Early and Middle Bronze Age in Sicily. Towards an independent absolute dating. Journal of Archaeological Science 45(5), 2013, 2502-2514